Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv] at [num] " in BNC.

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1 The next morning I got up at 7.30 am and had breakfast , got changed and got into the car to wait for Rachel , Betty , Paul and David .
2 I got up at eight this morning
3 I got up at eight this morning when Rudy went and put all them towels out and erm , when I got up at ten it , they were all dry
4 I got up at four in the morning to wash ’ , complained a Geordie .
5 I got up at six , spent all day cleaning other people 's houses , from 8.30 a.m. until 4.30 , with half an hour for dinner , for £25 .
6 I got up at eight this morning when Rudy went and put all them towels out and erm , when I got up at ten it , they were all dry
7 I 'd had about as soon as he come to bed I cuddled up to him and I got up at ten to eleven .
8 I got up at ten past eight .
9 I got up at seven which is late for me
10 Which meant I probably was like awake to start with , because I , although I got up at seven , I still was n't ready to go to bed at eleven , cos it was still too early , and usually I go to bed about two .
11 And I got on at 50-1 immediately after that race , and had a fair bet .
12 One afternoon , a week later , I decided the time had come to stop dithering like a Victorian maiden and to write to Bill , when I got off at ten that night , asking if no news was good news .
13 I was once put on a discipline charge because I had to cycle from here to Lark Lane police station on a very windy day and I got there at eleven
14 I got there at ten a.m. and was done by one p. m .
15 The Plaza cinema had columns outside it , so I got there at ten to six , got behind the pillar and thought , ‘ If I do n't fancy her when I see her , I wo n't come out . ’
16 On the twenty seventh of December 1989 , I woke up at five o'clock .
17 Yeah and you er I ov I overslept , well I woke up at five and normally I think if I go to sleep now and I sort of get myself awake but today I must of turned over
18 And he kept shouting out , feed me , feed me , so I woke up at one o'clock in the morning .
19 I DID N'T sleep too well on the night before our last Inter-Continental Cup match against Cuba in Poznan — I woke up at six o'clock in the morning thinking about the future of the Irish hockey team and began to put down some of my ideas on paper .
20 I woke up at 6.30 am and practised from 7.15 onwards .
21 ( 1 ) I woke up at seven forty .
22 ( 2 ) I woke up at seven forty .
23 Well I went to bed at er ten o'clock in the morning and I woke up at ten o'clock at night .
24 just to waken myself I woke up at ten past seven .
25 It was n't until I woke up at three o'clock that I remembered my husband .
26 I arrived there at ten-thirty to find an ashen-faced Geraldine hunched in a chair by the door .
27 It was just by chance that I turned up at one of the early meetings of the first lesbian liberation groups in London and found myself involved in the early debates around socialist feminism , radical lesbianism , the Women 's Movement and the sixth demand which named women 's right to a self-defined sexuality .
28 I set off at 5 am but those Sussex lanes are pitch dark , and hilly !
29 I get up at eight every morning .
30 But erm , now I get up at eight o'clock every morning , and this morning I slept in till ten , but that 's cos I was up till four , working on Thursday night .
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