Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] first and " in BNC.

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1 I put them first and then I
2 At Banff I climbed my first and last mountain — Mount Rundle .
3 The lips come last ; I outline them first and then fill in with a brush .
4 I dry them first and put them away
5 Maybe she suspected I was being attacked … anyway , she nipped me first and then the dragoman .
6 One of our church members became the paid administrator for the centre in which now , two years after we used it first and one year after it opened to the public , there are dance classes ; keep fit ; carpet bowls ; drama ; OAP 's club ; card club ; ballroom dancing ; judo etc .
7 Normally we heat it first and add biscuit so that the dogs have a warm , mixed meal , but tonight Odd-Knut is considering giving it to them frozen to save time .
8 " No replied the fox , but they kill you first and count your balls afterwards " .
9 But they sent it first and most often to Faramir , who would no doubt have been a better choice .
10 It says its first and second priorities are both Intel .
11 He says he thought the passenger was then going to hit him so then he hit him first and er I think
12 He did me first and , as usual , stepped over my mattress to Brian , who suddenly snarled , ‘ Do n't you pull my leg , I 'm not an animal . ’
13 It was from this room that he wrote his first and only communications with the outside world .
14 Well let us explore it first and see what the issues are and then if there 's any dispute then , then you can call another meeting at the February sales meeting we can discuss it
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