Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is always dangerously easy to write superficially about human relationships , particularly this one of the mother and daughter living together in old age , picturing them enjoying endless winter evenings by the fire , with never a cross word , and long summer afternoons in a garden of roses , sitting in deckchairs on a lawn that never needs mowing .
2 There is a revolution taking place today in the way that executives are obtaining information to help them make critical business decisions .
3 This ingenious arrangement has two advantages : it scents the house with an acrid , invigorating smell of frying cloth recalling a tailor shop in the Bronx , and it permits me to tend two kerosene burners , a Franklin stove , and a fireplace .
4 The flat roof of our own house was high enough for me to see two summer screens for free .
5 Henry Ratter had arranged for me to attend several training courses , including the two-day ‘ Quality in Action ’ workshop .
6 It is difficult for them to obtain overseas development funds , and it is even hard to mail a letter to another country because Eritrean stamps are not yet internationally recognised .
7 It is difficult for them to obtain overseas development funds , and it is even hard to mail a letter to another country because Eritrean stamps are not yet internationally recognised .
8 Munich , in other words , was expressly orchestrated to destabilise public opinion at home , to terrify whole populations with the threat of war and coerce them to accept reactionary government measures in exchange for peace ; ( c ) the British and French governments recoiled from inflicting the diplomatic humiliation on Hitler that would have resulted from resorting to the anti-fascist resistance offered by Washington and above all by Moscow .
9 Until now Turkish protection of the Crimean Tatars had enabled them to launch repeated slave raids on Russian territory , prevented settled cultivation of wide areas of the Ukraine , and blocked Russian access to the Black Sea .
10 ‘ Shall I make some sausage rolls ? ’ asked Betty .
11 Of course , I regret those job losses , but the hon. Gentleman has surely seen the article in The Independent on Sunday a week last Sunday which spelt out clearly the devastating consequences on jobs in the retail trade of his proposal for a national statutory minimum wage .
12 I mean that stuff spots .
13 I mean serious winter puddings , steamed , boiled and baked , sticky , rich and sweet , that sit fair and square on the plate and fill you with a glorious glow of warmth and well-being .
14 I , I really feel two pound fifty is low for the quality of , of play that they 're seeing I mean other amateur groups not that we 're comparing ourselves , but they certainly charge more than us and quite honestly the end product on some of them is not up to our end product .
15 who tells you your not a , I mean aggressive truck drivers are frightening
16 I mean isolated farm houses in
17 They had three on on door I mean three security men but it 's not worth it mind .
18 The joke here little girl on a beach says , mum , if I eat enough silicone chips will it increase my bust size ?
19 I lose more telephone directories that way . ’
20 I lay awake writing letters to you
21 I produced some option plans and they took to it like a duck takes to water . ’
22 I met other bird watchers and we swopped sightings .
23 I got two toilet papers on .
24 And I got two polo necks one with slight ribs in .
25 I needed some change so I got two sausage rolls , I 'm gon na wire them up on microwave in a bit right ?
26 So far as he was concerned , I could become a Muslim or a Jew , provided I got good School Certificates .
27 Well the paper must be out of date because I think I got that stamp months ago in fact you bought it back from Switzerland .
28 I got some phone numbers out of the Salvation Army yesterday .
29 I got some biscuit cutters .
30 Not to shed any more tears of frustration over the pace of play on Tour ( I got some lead boots for Christmas ) .
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