Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pn reflx] at the " in BNC.

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1 Self conscious in my normal clothes I seated myself at the rear of the upper stalls .
2 I reproach myself at the same time .
3 Before I had really recovered , I found myself at the railway station , where I said goodbye to Dulcie and we went our separate ways , promising to keep in touch , as one does .
4 Then the talk turned to the West and I found myself at the centre of questions .
5 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
6 ‘ I suppose I took the wrong path , ’ he said , ‘ and I found myself at the edge of a cliff . ’
7 In a short while , limping and protesting , I found myself at the local prison , pushed into a filthy stinking room with some two dozen other malefactors .
8 I threw myself at the door and tried desperately to open it .
9 It was thanks to you all that I humiliated myself at the Harrogate Trade Show .
10 When at last my number came , I presented myself at the window and asked for a ticket on the 10.05 to Stockholm the next morning .
11 After another soothing dusk spent gazing at weirs and waterfalls , I presented myself at the Kenny Gallery , behind the bookshop .
12 On the appointed day I presented myself at the villa .
13 The following day , having asked some leading questions of our local newsagent — Mr Bales always seemed to know exactly what was going on in the terrace and was only too happy to share his knowledge with anyone who wanted to pass the time of day — I presented myself at the offices of John D. Wood in Mount Street .
14 Why the hell did n't you throw yourself at the door ? ’
15 She seated herself at the desk .
16 She seated herself at the desk , relocated a floral display and smiled as the first patient walked into the room .
17 Outside she found herself at the top of a fire escape .
18 His dark eyes met hers as if he felt her surreptitious appraisal , and she found herself at the receiving end of that long , sardonic smile .
19 While the water steamed from the taps , she busied herself at the long table beneath the bathroom mirror , lifting the lids from the various jars and sniffing at them until she found the one she was searching for .
20 Do a little homework before you put yourself at the mercy of a mortgage lender .
21 She killed herself at the theatre last night . ’
22 Once extended her own eye was pressed to the lens of the telescope that was herself ( was it her own eye 's lens she was looking through the wrong way ? ) and she saw herself at the other end .
23 Mr Crum would dismiss ye on the spot if you presented yourself at the warehouse wearing those … those … dancing girls ’ things … probably send me packing as well if I was along with you . ’
24 When she was finished there she hurried back to the kitchen where she washed herself at the sink .
25 As Christian communicators in Asia we place ourselves at the service of those challenges , well aware that we need to conscientise people as much as we need to be conscientised .
26 But Robin still hungered for a night on the traps : so we found ourselves at the Harold Park Hotel , the crowds milling into the street , silhouetted against the lights of the adjacent Greyhound track .
27 When Mrs Gray had produced two very passable cups of coffee , they seated themselves at the long deal kitchen table .
28 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
29 Wounded men and prisoners could still have much to fear if they found themselves at the mercy of their opponents .
30 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
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