Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pn reflx] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But although I asked myself the question , I knew the answer .
2 I made myself the timetable you know .
3 Then I allowed myself the luxury to think ‘ Hey , yeah , at 30 you 're not such a failure after all . ’
4 I tell myself the things you 'd like to do to me
5 But the more I know them , the more I ask myself the question , ‘ What is the purpose ? ’
6 So I gave myself the day off . ’
7 This is that , by ensuring that the company is not required to prepare group accounts , you deny yourself the exemption from publishing a parent company p&l account in s230 ( see Accounting Solutions , ACCOUNTANCY , April , p 77 ) .
8 Suddenly she knew the answer , even as she asked herself the question , and realised what she had to do .
9 Sometimes she told herself the postcards , or exercise book scrawls , were messages to Daniel , but one should never , she considered , ignore surface meanings in favour of implications and the damned things were addressed to her , to Frederica .
10 She allowed herself the luxury of screaming , and yelped as each stroke ignited a searing throb in her outraged fundament .
11 She allowed herself the luxury of remembering the way he had looked at her just now , thought about how she had felt .
12 She felt his arms tighten around her in a comforting hug and just for a few seconds she allowed herself the luxury of sinking against him , feeling the strength and the warmth of his body next to her skin .
13 ‘ You said a carpenter , one must suppose , because you believe yourself the daughter of a carpenter , ’ interposed Elizabeth Mowbray firmly .
14 She plays the elderly Dame Lettie Colston , a committee lady and general busybody who starts what develops into a witchhunt when she finds herself the telephone caller 's first target .
15 No sooner had she asked herself the question than she realized the folly of it — and of the fees she had already demanded .
16 But it 's so chancy that way uh and I do n't think either if you gave y'self the role or y'know , the title , say , of school counsellor or whatever that you … it would work .
17 She gave herself the pleasure of recalling Henry Yaxlee and his calm sea-like presence .
18 She gave herself the morning off and left the hacienda .
19 You said yourself the kidnappers might — ’
20 Do you so you see yourself the fact that you 're living here on your own , in the in the flats , makes you feel more vulnerable .
21 If we make ourselves the bar , if we suggest that self-determination is the right of every people on earth but the Germans , we risk creating resentments in Germany which could be quite as destabilising to the European order as reunification .
22 Another contributor said that if we asked ourselves the question : ‘ Do the agencies discriminate against West Belfast ? ’ , the answer had to be ‘ yes ’ .
23 Outside but shadowing the DM , we deny ourselves the support of the system at times of currency fluctuation .
24 ‘ Outside , but shadowing the Deutschmark , we deny ourselves the support of the system at times of currency fluctuation . ’
25 In 1 we set ourselves the problem of accounting for intuitions that some stretches of language are coherent and others are not .
26 We set ourselves the task of uncovering the principles behind our feeling that certain stretches of language are meaningful and unified : that they have the quality of coherence .
27 We all regarded medicine as a religion , and we called ourselves the Society of Reason .
28 We call ourselves the Unifiers — an inner core of trade unionists who are prepared to take a few risks to get what we must for the majority .
29 Once we grant ourselves the licence to collect the physical artefacts of software , there remain , at least at first sight , respects in which software is both like , and unlike , traditional museum objects .
30 From the outset however they set themselves the objectives , not only producing a comprehensive study of land ownership in the region which would be of use to local groups and also capable of influencing regional and National land policy , but equally importantly , of reaching these goals through a very specific manner of research .
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