Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In waking life it was too strong to allow me to indulge myself in secret feasts , and I no longer felt any desire for them .
2 Can I restrict myself to low stocking levels — resisting temptation ?
3 Wandering on , I found myself among dreary council flats , improved by a figure of Joseph holding the Baby high on a wall .
4 I threw myself with apparent enthusiasm into a conversation Marietta and the solicitor were having about the difficulty of finding and keeping reliable cleaning ladies .
5 After lunch , Bernice and I armed ourselves with black plastic dustbin liners and we made a concerted attack on Billy 's room .
6 I find myself in complete agreement with Professor Knight and would go further in saying that it is not credible that a karate chop to the base of the nose could cause a fracture of the anterior cranial fossa without considerable damage to the nasal structure . ’
7 As a fellow Chairman of these Tribunals I find myself in general agreement with him , although is until some way is found to eliminate obviously frivolous appeals from the Local Appeal Tribunal 's decisions I doubt the practicality of having appeals to a Tribunal of Commissioners and blanch at the thought of their Lordships of the Court of Session 's comments if asked to deal with some of the material placed before a single Commissioner at present .
8 I concern myself with general policy .
9 But bringing this back into my work , I see myself as good old anarchist Spence , blundering around between the different discourses between cultural politics and alternative health and mainline health and actually being silenced at every count .
10 She got herself in big trouble !
11 And she involves herself with equal energy in various local charities .
12 Ah , but who , she asked herself with sudden foreboding , is going to cure you of Penry Meredith Vaughan ?
13 Her simple cosmetic operations completed , she dresses herself in opaque green tights , a wide brown tweed skirt and a thick sweater loosely knitted in muted shades of orange , green and brown .
14 Now the old problem arose again : she found herself in new places and she was more interested in exploring them thoroughly than she was in the chick , even though she was at flying weight .
15 After winning the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Prize in 1964 , she found herself in great demand abroad as well as at home , and sang in the first performance of Handel 's Messiah in Israel .
16 She cast herself into heated ovens or boiling cauldrons , was immersed in the freezing waters of a mill-race in winter and hunted by a pack of dogs through thorny thickets .
17 She cradled herself in crossed arms .
18 I do n't ask you to sell better , ladies and gentlemen , I do n't ask you to sell itself for certain companies , I 'd like you to , but I do n't .
19 She contents herself with short , heartfelt abuse of the dickhead kind .
20 You put yourself into cold storage for two years as far as any kind of political practice goes and just sit and think — and do n't forget you 'll get paid £5000 a year to sit and think about the purity of the struggle we 're all fighting back here . ’
21 ‘ And remember , ’ she told herself with growing horror , ‘ what Mr Bishop 's brother said !
22 Either that or you run yourself around ragged , and you go to sleep and then we get to one o'clock , two o'clock in the morning , and you wake up , and then what do you do ?
23 " Thank you , Mrs James , we should like you to confine yourself to first-hand evidence … you wrote to your husband , of course , to explain the arrangements you had made in his absence ? "
24 Lady Pomfret had been an excellent wife and mother and an efficient Lady of the Bedchamber , but she exposed herself to constant ridicule in society because she was so desperate to be thought of as a learned woman .
25 and how you feel yourself , that 's how you present yourself to other people , I think if you present yourself in a confident manner , I think people pick up on that and I do , I do n't think beauty is necessarily what you see , I think its how you feel within yourself and how you present yourself to people .
26 You crowd yourself into other people 's images of a lovable , good person .
27 You find yourself in defensive postures rather than fighting back .
28 I wo n't deny that there are quite a few ‘ Martini ’ moments in a freestyler 's life , when you find yourself in breathtaking surroundings , thinking ‘ it 's a hard day at the office ’ .
29 And you deal yourself with new recruits and so forth as a sort of P R man , you you deal with new recruits ?
30 She equipped herself with secretarial skills when her family was growing up , and has worked for many interesting people and for the Diocese of Bath and Wells with Bishop John Bickersteth .
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