Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [that] [det] [is] " in BNC.

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1 But I think it is important for us to er , as an individual authority as well as working with other authorities , to actually keep up the pressure on the Ministry to , to let them know that this is n't going to go away , and that they 've got to come up with some answers which are , which are going to try and satisfy people .
2 I regret that this is not a joke .
3 I regret that this is so .
4 Ealing Council had a policy of positive images of lesbians and gay men in the community and , Mr Wilshire stated , ‘ I contend that that is the promotion of homosexuality . ’
5 I repeat that this is a rare opportunity for Ulster Members , and I ask hon. Members to raise points of order with which I can deal — that is to say , within my responsibilities .
6 So I mean that that 's two ways of looking at it .
7 I mean that that 's another alternative is that we do n't bother with pictures .
8 Well there 's that I mean there 's all , there 's a whole range of things , there 's ghoulish voyeurism right , I mean that that 's important , there 's also the way the Royals have been peddled by the media over the decades and the fact that you know this has been how they 've been tendered this is what they actually are and that y you , you know what I 'm saying that erm or whatever it is between this is what they are , this is what we 've been and they do n't match , they really do n't match .
9 I mean that that 's a er that 's a
10 I mean that that is one possible approach of doing it that you instead of taking the figure of nine thousand seven hundred in policy H one you refer to it as being eight thousand three hundred , or whatever figure you might happen to come up with .
11 And because I fear that that is the position , I can not help but feel that before long we will have yet another attempt to amend Act seventeen , nineteen sixty three and that we will go round the circuit , the same circuit once again with I fear the same result .
12 Mozart said goodbye with tears in his eyes , saying , ‘ I fear that this is the last time we shall ever see each other . ’
13 Regarding the social differentiation between the sexes , this conceptual schematization can result ( and I stress that this is just one possibility , and one which admirably serves the needs of patriarchy ) in women being perceived as closer to nature in consequence of the biological facts of childbirth and menstruation ( or rather , a particular cultural interpretation thereof ) , whilst men , who are deemed to lack such a cycle of visible creativity ( and who have other aspects of their own equally natural physiology denied ) , are placed within the realm of culture , manipulating their own social and political existence , and transcending the passive forces of nature .
14 But I stress that this is a negative agreement — B by agreeing not to negotiate for this fixed period with a third party , locks himself out of such negotiations .
15 I trust that this is nothing more than a proofreading error .
16 I realise that this is a bad time to ask for help in any professional and academic matter , but in the light of cutbacks and recommendations from reports like the Swann Report it is important that we are clear about the provision of language education for future teachers .
17 I realise that this is asking a great deal , but it would help our strained finances if copies of these sections can be made within each institution .
18 I realise that this is a short debate and that I can not possibly ask the hon. Lady all the questions that I should like to ask .
19 So I looked through this device and er found what the reading it gave , so I went to my map and I found that that 's where Mars should have been .
20 I appropriate that this is a fantasy and there is no real proof for it .
21 I am sure that I speak for all district society presidents when I say that this is just not true .
22 What if I propose that that 's a true record ?
23 Yes I mean I acknowledge that that is rightly a matter for investigation establishment through the local plan system .
24 When the Opposition call for an independent consumer ombudsman , I suggest that that is exactly what they have under the present arrangements .
25 In a way , I imagine that this is what I myself am trying to do .
26 They 're living independent parallel lives , as it were , and you need to take into account housing erm and I imagine that this is a if you take the elderly , for example , one major concern is the number of old people , particularly widowed women who live alone — increasingly ca n't cope , they go into care , private nursing homes if they 've got the wherewithal , geriatric hospitals .
27 I think I hope that that is clear .
28 I hope that that is understood , because it is a very important point .
29 I hope that that is a reassurance .
30 I hope that that is accepted on both sides of the House .
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