Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] in [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A couple of tins of peas left out , try and find a space for them to go back in again .
2 No , I hold on in there till the last moment .
3 When you did n't call , I came back in here . ’
4 Martin and I came back in together for a verse to give Bunny a lead in on his clarinet for three or four choruses and he was good , but probably barely audible above the traffic .
5 Well erm I actually stopped smoking about er , two years ago and was quite surprised at the amount of weight I put on in about five months , which was two stone , which I did n't think I 'd deserved !
6 Well , as long as it does n't make me feel uneasy , I 'm a fairly tidy sort of person , so I do make the bed , and sort of tidy up in the bedroom , and I tidy up in here , when she 's gone to bed .
7 How — ’ ‘ How did I end up in here ?
8 I end up in exactly the same spot as if I had first walked four paces due east ( which is one sort of displacement , an easterly sort ) and then three paces due north ( which is another sort of displacement , a northerly sort ) .
9 But can I come back in there a bit .
10 I said , well , what I 'm ringing about is am I allowed back in there or am I barred ?
11 And and then I come back in here , I always get my sweet and take that back again .
12 Ancient history is scarce around these parts , and you take it where you can get it — even from people you wiped out in more recent times .
13 She laid out in here and people just wandered in off the back end here .
14 If you want to refine a collection , you sell off in much smaller quantities than this — and you certainly do n't sell your finest works by an artist everyone knows you admire . ’
15 One said from New York yesterday : ‘ If you want to refine a collection you sell off in much smaller quantities — and you certainly do n't sell the finest works . ’
16 She moved out for a while , but carried on cleaning for her ; and then when she married , she moved back in again , and had her first child there .
17 Pauline moved out and she moved back in again though did n't she ?
18 Some of them were some had got old cars in where the tyres , if it was a puncture it was these great big wheels with beaded edge tyres which you can , you put on in quite a different way from the modern car tyres .
19 Well fo a at sixteen I went into the department that built the machines and er I was , I think it was bell was going for lunchtime and a lad come by says hello Taffy how you going on in here ?
20 So Jenny 's afternoon tea , if you hang on in there , I will kindly donate a slice of my apricot cheesecake .
21 And how do you clean up in there then ?
22 Oh well you mean you rushed back in again did you ?
23 You wake up in yet another hotel bed and you do n't know what day it is or where you are .
24 Why were you locked up in there ?
25 I ca n't bear to see you lolling about in here when it 's so glorious outside ’ . ’
26 And then if you started off in here
27 and you go up in there , there on the right hand
28 So when you do n't know when you go back in then ?
29 If you go back in then
30 ‘ I might have expected you to hang on in there like a limpet , ’ Rourke said with a tight grimace .
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