Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [is] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 After the massacre , he wrote , ‘ All I regret is that any of the sept got away . ’
2 But the only thing I know is that that ship was sunk by the Germans in Cardigan Bay .
3 All I know is that any , any sight , any sight person who watches television does n't forcibly go out and re-enact it .
4 What she means is that this instruction should be borne in mind if at any time it starts raining .
5 And the first thing you learn is that all women make the same mistakes .
6 So what we know is that this must have been blocked up before this doorway was inserted , okay ?
7 But what we argue is that all should have the right to put their case for asylum fairly and properly , and reasonably quickly . ’
8 All we ask is that all fees are finally paid by the end of January .
9 And I think the er inward investors that Professor Lock is referring to in terms of the German car manufacturer er the information that we have is that those were the very factors they considered and erm North Yorkshire is not short- listed .
10 In ordinary affairs , for which we aspire only to the best choice on the available information , the only assurance we need is that each veering of spontaneous reaction with expanding awareness is objectively a change for the better .
11 and what they hope is that most it has sort of been has disappeared by the time it gets to us
12 What , what they thought is that all the ones that
13 What he discovered is that these ‘ disciplines ’ were not really about uncovering truth for its own sake ; the ‘ knowledge ’ they generated was inseparable from and instrumental in ‘ techniques of domination ’ .
14 All it means is that some properties of the replicators should have an influence over their probability of being replicated .
15 Refusing to give contraception to young girls is not going to stop sexual activity ; all it means is that more run the risk of pregnancy , which can be far more dangerous .
16 What he forgets is that more than half of Africa 's people do not practice female genital mutilation .
17 It see 's that those two together , they 're , they 're
18 I think another important thing for us to recognize is that many of the people within the N H S , the people directly responsible for the care , remain some of the lowest people in the country , the least rewarded people in the country .
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