Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] him at " in BNC.

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1 I learned of his death when I tried to telephone him at Ladram Avionics .
2 I tried to sign him at QPR three years ago , then again during the summer , ’ said Wednesday 's player-boss .
3 I have n't spoken to Mr Boldwood since the autumn , when I promised to see him at Christmas , so I 'll have to go .
4 One morning I arrived to find him at the supremely mundane task of " plugging muck " , standing on a manure heap , hurling steaming forkfuls on to a cart .
5 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
6 I went to see him at Covent Garden and came away thinking ‘ What am I doing with this miserable life ? ’
7 Early in the morning I went to see him at the Castle .
8 Then I went to see him at his home in Wimbledon and , as we were talking , he gradually got into the Frank Spencer character .
9 And then it was further endorsed because I went to hear him at Johnstown and I thought to myself well I felt sorry that he was erm what 's the word I want ?
10 Eric and I had to restrain him at times when he wanted to do something like throw little Paul into the water to see if he 'd float , or like when he wanted to fell a tree over the railway line that goes through Porteneil , but as a rule we got on surprisingly well , even though it rankled to see Eric , who was the same age as Blyth , obviously in fear of him .
11 ‘ He 's not suffered any leg problems since then and I wanted to run him at Newcastle but he was a little flat in November .
12 She tried to put him at ease : " Why do n't you take your coat off ? " she said .
13 He sent her a copy of Madame Bovary ( she thanked him , pronounced the novel ‘ hideous ’ , and quoted at him Philip James Bailey , author of Festus , on the writer 's duty to give moral instruction to the reader ) ; and forty years after that first meeting in Trouville she came to visit him at Croisset .
14 She travelled to hear him at Kirkcudbright next evening , and to other meetings after that .
15 It was four hours later when they woke to find him at the foot of the bed saying : ‘ I 've got a gun and I 'm going to shoot you . ’
16 They drove to see him at the Chapel of Repose .
17 Sliding into the warmth he had just left , inhaling the scent of him on the pillows , surrounded by his clothes , books and possessions , she could feel her resolve to keep him at arm 's length ebbing relentlessly away .
18 As he pressed eagerly forward , his long beard streaming In the wind and rain , two Spanish friars snapped at his heels , still desperately trying to persuade him in Latin to die in the faith ; they continued to exhort him at the stake , where , according to Foxe , he lifted up his eyes to heaven , as he held his offending hand in the fire , and died using the words of Stephen : ‘ Lord Jesus receive my spirit . ’
19 The nettle-rash got somewhat better in time , but it continued to bother him at regular intervals for the next 20 years .
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