Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Well only just to really , actually all Mr Mr has er said , and just one other bit of information , the time when the Chairman of the council extended the invitation to sixth formers , looking for alternative entertainment for the sixth formers of school , after they sat through a full council , I took them over to the er archivists er department , and we saw the paper restor , sorry , should n't say paper restorer , manuscript restorer at work , and these sixth formers , already knew of the existence , one of them asked to see the records of parish , because he knew they were there , and I mean , I think this is wonderful , that the sixth formers already , er children are being taught about the ar the records , and they will want to be sure that we kept them , and I think it 's our moral duty to keep er , the records of the past for future generations .
2 Such groups consist of closely related individuals , and in evolutionary terms at least it is worth one of them dying to help the others , in order that a predator may learn not to touch them again .
3 This reflects the overall size of these departments , and the fact that all of them appear to have the resources to cover all of the earth science sub-disciplines in depth .
4 This reflects the overall size of these departments , and the fact that all of them appear to have the resources to cover all of the earth science sub-disciplines in depth .
5 I intend to cut the blocks myself and ‘ true ’ each one ; each one to be 8×2×1in , with a lip on each bottom edge to form a key to the mastic .
6 I intend to expose the shortcomings of the Labour party proposals .
7 I agreed to take the girls there , and for a month I wrote down French words in a little pocket book , to help me on the journey .
8 Oh my god , well they 've estimated mine , it 's fifty five pounds eighty , I checked to see the numbers on it and it 's a hundred eight
9 I got to know the blobs and wiggles in that rough circle that looked like a sample from an oil slick , until I could draw them blindfold , and I began to visualize them inside me .
10 I got to phone the councillors .
11 Every time I returned home I expected to find the police waiting .
12 I tend to trail the sides the though .
13 Do I need to replace the pickups at all ?
14 What parts do I need to uprate the brakes ?
15 I tried to explore the problems Mrs Singh would have in attempting to be a fully participating parent but the educational psychologist seemed to feel that this was a problem common to many Cedars parents .
16 I tried to muster the arguments I 'd arrived at with Brian nearly four years earlier , in the autumn of 1986 , after having heard Jacobsen making a tape .
17 I tried to make the noises that they made , and slowly I began to speak .
18 I shall draw up a timetable , hour by hour , and allowing for the fact that he must have slept , I expect to see the spaces filled in .
19 I propose to consider the questions raised in respect of basic valuations first .
20 After I 'd got used to the idea I helped to count the sticks and tie them up in bundles .
21 I helped to milk the cows and then took them out to the field .
22 I promised to deliver the goods .
23 I want to feed the ducks , and I want to play in the sandpit .
24 I want to feed the birds .
25 ‘ Officer , I want to charge the stewards with grievous bodily harm … aggravated assault … ‘
26 I want to see the clothes you wore last night . ’
27 I want to see the animals ! ’ the wee boy ran on ahead into the main gallery .
28 ‘ No disrespect for the other players who may be left out , but I want to give the kids a bit of experience . ’
29 So I do n't want to go through all the things that are the same , I want to highlight the differences , and maybe it 'll help you in your mind to distinguish between the two products as regards examination and the questionnaire tomorrow .
30 In particular I want to highlight the words recorded by Mark where Jesus said ‘ But from the beginning of the CREATION God made them male and female .
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