Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [subord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She laughed and continued , ‘ Piers has been keeping me entertained while I waited for you .
2 Cis wants me to go if I want to .
3 They did n't allow me to sit where I chose .
4 Let me perish if I know how to account for you or your humour .
5 Makes me laugh when I think how things turned out . ’
6 He looked very doubtful when I asked certain questions and laughed me to scorn when I gave my verdict .
7 I 've asked him to let me go straight out and breathe the cellar air , but he always makes me wait till I 've had breakfast .
8 They would n't have got me to come if I had n't had , if I .
9 I did n't know till the next we er till the weekend and he made me know as I 'd swore .
10 I asked although I had already decided that Harvey was a little drunk .
11 If I asked if I asked you to compile a list of advertisers of companies and businesses who you think will advertise in a medical practice booklet you may you may list out twenty five .
12 I asked as I stirred up the tea-bags .
13 I asked as I spooned a gob of whipped cream over my gooseberry pie .
14 I asked as I held the deli door open for him .
15 I asked as I stroked the baby 's fuzzy head .
16 I asked as I started the engine .
17 I asked as I fumbled my keys out .
18 I asked as I stood up to go to the bar .
19 I asked because I wanted to know if I would be in a job if Sharon was in a position to employ me .
20 I gazed until I asked myself if I was quite mad .
21 It will keep for a while , at least until I have recorded a little visit I made after I finished writing my life of Elsie and the episode concerning the Butcher .
22 Not like the covenant which I made when I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt — my covenant which they broke Although I was a husband to them , says the Lord .
23 One of the earliest jottings I made when I began to keep a crime-writing notebook concerned just this business of plot .
24 ‘ I think so , but I fainted before I got really close . ’
25 I REPEAT WHen i likE .
26 i REpeat when i liKe .
27 I mean once I know what a thing is
28 I mean once I 've cleared up , you know , when she 's gone and and do n't mind seeing
29 Er you know I I I af I mean after I did n't think anything of it , and in those days I was too young of course to think of th things like that .
30 Yeah well my husband 's talking about getting one of those because I mean after I did n't tell him all the details
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