Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [v-ing] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean removing the obvious , stupid ways of doing things which grow up within a business .
2 [ I intend pursuing the other objectives this Autumn . ]
3 Added to that , there was something about the Wartberg works that I found soothing the first time I went there for the interview .
4 Something fell in greenhouse and broke the pane to allow the wind to get into the greenhouse , which is oh dear me , as soon as the wind got into the greenhouse as I say blowing the other panes out
5 Such was my astonishment that I stopped kicking the offending mouse and at the first opportunity went to look at the hedgerow .
6 I woke sensing the last one
7 I usually put my ribber carriage against the garter bar as this helps to keep it in its slightly precarious position while I finish knitting the first side .
8 ‘ Being very lazy by nature , I enjoy making the first sketches , but the practical precision , the mathematical measuring necessary to carry out the design and the extreme neatness required , both of which I am very bad at , I find irksome .
9 I consider joining the retreating pair below me but have no harness for the abseil , so I settle down to wait while the climber above seconds the pitch .
10 And I , I recall seeing the lowest contribution I think was fifty pence , was n't it ?
11 I recall spending the entire Christmas of 1974 experimenting with various methods of enlarging my equipment .
12 Two brown pelicans flapped past as I began shaping the broken ends of Masquerade 's shattered planking .
13 When I wanted to buy something , however , I enjoyed exploring the narrow back streets .
14 Later in my newspaper career I was privileged to act as front page editor for a short time during which I enjoyed writing the 8-column headline and then arranging the other headlines , photo blocks and single or double columns to present a well-balanced and good looking front page spread .
15 For my own part , I enjoyed reading the old Punch and writing for the new one .
16 I remember seeing the red card and looking up , there was 30,000 people jeering and I could see my dad in the front row of the directors ’ box .
17 I remember watching the saline solution dripping down the glass tube from the container — terrified that the drips were becoming less frequent and would eventually stop again .
18 I remember watching the last one from my house .
19 I remember watching the last episode on your predecessor ATV when it was repeated in 1976 and the announcer talked of people calling in with various theories about what it was all supposed to mean .
20 In the first case , I remember watching the old man come slowly down the stairs after ‘ a secret operation ’ never openly discussed but which I now take to be a colostomy .
21 I remember picturing the wet grease-proof paper it would be wrapped in and how my mother would cut off its head and scrape out its insides .
22 I remember approaching the theological college quite determined to ‘ sort him out ’ .
23 I felt I had to I When I went to school m my father could n't afford very much and erm I remember starting the first term of first day of the term with shoes with a big split in it .
24 Better said , what I think is what I have thought , or that is to say , that I continue thinking the same . ’
25 ‘ I loved dancing but as I got older I loved teaching the little ones more , ’ says Susan , a nursery nurse at Kenton Bar Primary School in Newcastle .
26 But I fancied feeling the long hard pressure of ocean waves against our hull and , though we were short-handed , I reckoned that a few days out of sight of land would shake us all down quickly .
27 I suppose studying the human animal is enough for you , ’ said Penelope .
28 As I gingerly stepped on to one last narrow slab , I met someone I knew walking the other way .
29 I keep telling the other one than that .
30 You look little and lost , are funny and sweet — and I keep getting the overwhelming feeling that I want to take care of you .
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