Example sentences of "[noun pl] taken [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The subjects were 36 drivers taken from the Applied Psychology Unit 's subject panel , 18 male , 18 female .
2 In the twelfth century the development of round ships was going on apace , and the first steps taken towards the mighty cogs of the late Middle Ages .
3 He said : ‘ One of the first steps taken by the new , so-called Environment City is to take away one of the few longstanding open spaces in the town .
4 There was some concern expressed at the steps taken by the Brazilian authorities to " clean up " Rio for the summit .
5 As we shall be explaining in the following chapters , we do not believe that the steps taken in the Criminal Justice Act of 1991 will prove drastic enough .
6 On November 28 Hatta resigned from the office of Vice-president , deploring the drift towards chaos : ‘ All our rebellions and our splits , our political anarchy and adventurism , and all the steps taken in the economic field which have created chaos , are the result of the fact that our national Revolution was not dammed up at the appropriate time . ’
7 In the far west , beyond the Old World and the Elven Kingdoms of Ulthuan , the Orcs and Goblins of Naggaroth are the descendants of captives taken by the Dark Elves many thousands of years ago .
8 Many of the rather frowsy old biddies who made their living by singing Gay Nineties songs and cadging drinks from the customers , recognized Ella , and several came to sit at our table to have their pictures taken by the resident camera man .
9 The nickname given to the regiment was ‘ Orange Lillies ’ , because of the colour of the facings and the white plumes taken from the French Regiment of Roussillon , which was defeated at Quebec in 1759 .
10 Nevertheless , the liberties taken with the human body , the overall composition and the way in which the figures are closely grouped together in shallow depth and intimately related to their surroundings , all these things indicate a debt , however remote , to the Cézanne Baigneuses .
11 This factor also accounts for the changes in the shares of imports taken from the Soviet Union and the developing countries in these years .
12 If , however , continuous variation is required , this preset can be omitted from the board and three wires taken from the relevant board points up to a conventional 1k rotary potentiometer mounted on a front panel , along with any metering .
13 The patients ' usual dose of other medications taken for colitis such as oral mesalazine , olsalazine , sulphasalazine , and corticosteroids taken in the previous month remained unchanged throughout the trial .
14 The enlarged board of merged group will include several new directors taken from the present board of Tyne Tees .
15 A commuter train , a stop at each station , all seats taken by the grey-suited men who hid from each other behind their newspapers and the film of cigarette and pipe smoke .
16 Honours degrees taken from the subjects within the department involve work in the third and fourth years taken from the wide range of interests covered by the department in Greek and Latin language and literature , archaeology , art and history .
17 I sat up late last night and read the Geste as far as to where Beren and his gnomish allies defeat the patrol of orcs above the sources of the Narog and disguise themselves in the reaf [ Old English : ‘ garments , weapons taken from the slain ’ ] .
18 Patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing any major surgical procedure should be assessed by having radiographs taken of the cervical spine in flexion and extension .
19 After a series of heated debates the PNC session ended with a resolution which welcomed " the calls by US President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachev to convene a conference to settle the conflict in the Middle East " and the positions taken by the European Communities and the Non-aligned Movement .
20 ‘ It is testimony to the determined and vigorous actions taken during the past two years .
21 On Aug. 30 the National Assembly passed a series of measures which ratified decisions taken at the Grand National Debate .
22 Both of these ( though in different ways ) were strongly connected to policy decisions taken by the Labour government which are discussed below .
23 These were decisions taken by the administrative organs of the Court and the United Nations to accept Nicaragua as a State with an Article 36 ( 2 ) declaration , despite non-compliance with the formal procedural requirements .
24 One of the first decisions taken by the revolutionary government was to create multi-disciplinary mental-health teams operating in the community .
25 The court ruled that the Constitution did not permit any appeal against the decisions taken by the Revolutionary Council between 1954 and 1971 .
26 One of the major decisions taken by the working party was that in order to reinforce domesticity and encourage small group living , the nursing section or charge of up to 30 beds should be designed so that there are 3 subsections ( 2 in exceptional circumstances ) , of not more than 10 beds nor less than 8 , each of these forming complete living units and having one 4 bedroom plus an appropriate number of single bedrooms , adequate WC and bashing facilities and a fitting room , dining room and severity/pantry .
27 Yet it is probably fair to suggest that few people could have been immune from the implications of the party struggle at Westminster , since decisions taken by the central government often had a direct affect on ordinary people 's lives , and few people could have avoided being exposed to the political controversies of the day through the various media of propaganda .
28 With the publication of the Foreign Relations of the United States volumes on the Korean War and the release of the British documents it was evident that Britain had played a major role in the important decisions taken in the early stages of the war , and in particular the decision to change the aim of the operation from being merely to repel the aggressor north of the 38th parallel to that of achieving a unified Korea .
29 As on so many of the decisions taken in the past 12 years , such as the sale of council houses and other matters which the Opposition opposed , they have had to change their tune .
30 Concern over the trade in wild plants has been heightened by the activities of Henry Azadehdel , who was jailed in Britain this year for smuggling orchids taken from the wild and imported without the proper permits .
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