Example sentences of "[noun pl] made the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All summer English cricket has been highly suspicious about how the Pakistanis made the old ball swing about so violently .
2 The Times made the suggested link their front-page headline — Porn videos turned ‘ Fox ’ into rapist — while the Daily Mail used this theme in their editorial of the day , as part of their continuing campaign against porn videos .
3 Words came into my ears and my fingers made the appropriate movements .
4 When , flushed with success , proregulationists pressed Gladstone 's government to extend the statutes in the late 1860s , many supporters made the traditional connection between the threat of the prostitute and wider anxieties about public order and moral habits among the unrespectable poor .
5 This was operated by a series of huge lifts at either end , and horses , carts , and thousands of Glaswegians made the daily descent into the Stygian depths beneath the cold waters of the Clyde .
6 The regular salaries attached to the more important posts in the customs and excise administration , for example , were in themselves attractive to many voters in Scottish constituencies , and were the objects of a great deal of political negotiation , for this kind of appointment was the normal currency of management for the politician able to procure it , and the links between parliamentary politics and the disposal of such offices made the nominal right of appointment possessed by the boards of commissioners in Edinburgh somewhat illusory .
7 As the fifties proceeded , a succession of coups , countercoups , wars , revolutions and civil disorders made the Middle East one of the most volatile areas on earth , a place that in the words of one historian , " reverberated with the sound of crashing throne . "
8 In both these cases the old plates made the necessary points , and there was no need to go to the trouble and expense of getting new ones .
9 An extreme climate and thin , stony soils made the windy plateaux ( the páramos ) of Teruel and Huesca the most sparsely populated parts of Spain .
10 The field-grey of the Wehrmacht and a new generation of military heroes made the brown-shirted Party functionaries stand out in even more unattractive light than before the war .
11 A team of 123 competitors and 22 officials made the long trip after much media criticism of the small size of the original allocation of places , particularly for athletics .
12 Citizens young and old laid bird traps , and 700,000 sparrows made the supreme sacrifice so that the down from their necks might pad a birthday quilt .
13 This time the Official Unionists made the red scare claims , asserting that the Protestant paramilitaries were in league with the Provisional IRA to create a socialist republic in Northern Ireland .
14 Paisley was the sole DUP candidate and John Hume was the candidate for the SDLP , but the Official Unionists made the tactical mistake of fielding two candidates .
15 The busmen 's case had been that their strict schedules made the satisfactory operation of physical functions difficult .
16 Very little was left to chance and great attention was given to every detail of publicity so that posters , signs , displays , and press advertisements made the maximum impact .
17 THE first Mormon migrants made the long trek west to what would become Utah in the 1840s to escape religious and political persecution .
18 But Education Department lawyers made the out-of-court settlement and agreed to pay his £12,000 costs .
19 But only the very superior pugilists made the ultimate escapes and so it was in every boxing slave 's interest to wring out his best efforts on every occasion .
20 The moment last year when the JET scientists made the big breakthrough … producing energy from nuclear fusion … the joining of atomic particles .
21 Billy Bingham 's men made the perfect start with a goal after just 14 minutes from Jim Magilton .
22 The fact that King Arthur had been Romano-British and engaged in a struggle against Saxon invaders made the whole thing even more nonsensical , but Schellenberg had long since ceased to be amused by the excesses of the Third Reich .
23 Delays in the announcing of results made the final results unclear , but the trend indicated a decisive rejection of President Carlos Andrés Pérez .
24 Not all apprentices made the smooth transition to the 32s stab rate .
25 The old elements were essentially the same , but the refinements made the weekly shows not just entertaining , but addictive , compulsive listening .
26 His sudden talk of alibis made the whole thing sound serious .
27 In summary , what we term the ‘ third generation ’ of swept wings , are those with the myriad gimmicks and fancy names among the hundreds of stunters that emerged so quickly when common availability of carbon tubes made the rigid frame possible .
28 The West and the Soviet Union have for years , with the enthusiastic help of local rulers made the entire region one of catastrophically high expenditure on arms .
29 He was also working on Cornish subjects based on drawings made the previous March when he , Eric Verrico and Bobby Hunt had gone down to Mevagissey , where Nessie Dunsmuir was living alone whilst Sydney Graham was in America .
30 Those best placed to influence government policy were also most dependent on state patronage to further their military and civil careers , while the police and tax functions delegated to serf-owners made the whole class in one sense a part of the machinery of government .
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