Example sentences of "[noun pl] to make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only a few of these had pods , but here and elsewhere we found enough pods to make an important observation : all the wild cocoa throughout the Amazon region of Ecuador shares a common set of genetically determined characteristics including white seeds , very rough-surfaced yellow pods , and the absence of red pigmentation in the leaves .
2 There are many fertility treatments available to childless couples , and fertility counselling aims to enable clients to make an informed choice .
3 You might feel that 1,000 Ks is ample , but if you need more steps to make the total transition plausible in you mind , simply allow yourself to assume 10,000 Ks .
4 It is perfectly possible in law for parties to make an interim agreement for the sale of goods which requires further negotiation to iron out the less important details of the transaction , Pagnan S.p.A .
5 And it 's certainly not available in sufficient detail for for all of the sectors to make a fair comparison and I think Mr has made this point in in when you 've questioned him a number of times today that the information is just not available or to hand to make to make that comparison .
6 I warn the readers to make an accurate distinction between idea , or a conception of the mind , and the images of things …
7 Michael Green draws attention to the fact that the Gospels represent an entirely new literary form , which was neither history , nor biography , but a highly selective weaving together of fragments using preaching and teaching ‘ arranged in order to show what sort of person Jesus was , to give the evidence on which the disciples had followed him and had adjudged him the Messiah and Son of God , and by the strongest possible implication , challenge the readers to make the same act of faith in Christ as they themselves had done ’ ( Green 1970:229 , 230 ) .
8 The afternoons were also good for going to the cinema ; they had all of the stuff that would take about six months to make a brief appearance in her home town and she could see it on decent-sized screens instead of one like the end of a shoebox .
9 It had taken their combined savings to make the down payment on a house in overcrowded Tollemarche and Isobel had declared that she could manage without a car .
10 Add mint leaves to stuffing for shoulder of lamb or mix with other chopped herbs and breadcrumbs to make a crunchy crust on the roast ( see the recipe for Herby roast lamb on the next page ) .
11 Opportunities now exist for Senior Technicians to make a valid contribution in two specific areas of this important field of research .
12 Uncertainty about the future and lack of continuity of decisions make it hard for the substitute parents to make a strong commitment to the child and include the natural parent .
13 Deprived of our rights as parents to make a rational decision because we did n't get the facts .
14 The usual procedure was for sympathetic teachers to provide branches in their areas with lists of school-leavers each of whom was then interviewed at home with his or her parents by a ‘ visitor ’ who discussed the general employment situation with them , urging the importance of continued education and inviting the parents to make a formal application to the committee for assistance .
15 Glaxo and Wellcome are among its customers and one of its products — gamma lactam — is currently being used by several companies to make a new generation of anti-Aids drugs .
16 This took the form of allowing trusts to make a maximum return of 6 per cent on assets , and arrangements to ensure that certain services deemed essential would continue to be provided locally .
17 Thought by one of the judges to make a good radio play .
18 Even double beds can be piled and piled with cushions to make an inviting couch for yourself and guests by day .
19 Whether an individual member of the class can sue depends upon the size of the class and the nature of the comment : there must be something in the circumstances to make the ordinary reader feel that the plaintiff personally is the target of the criticism .
20 Plant strawberries to make a new bed .
21 TBD gave me enough pens to make a significant impact on this year 's office stationery allocation ; they also gave me a useful laundry bag , as did Bertrams .
22 Now France says it wants to concentrate its effort to help less developed countries to make the best use of computer technology through its World Centre for Informatics , in Paris .
23 The banker puts together different contributions to make a syndicated loan .
24 Following the formal request for a special prosecutor , Attorney General William Barr had up to 30 days to make a preliminary ruling .
25 The original Strasbourg clock probably contained , besides moving figures , an annual-calendar dial , and possibly a lunar dial and an astrolabe , but the instrument designed by Giovanni de' Dondi incorporated a perpetual calendar for all religious feasts , both fixed and movable , and also indicated the celestial motions of the sun , moon , and planets , including even the motions of the nodes of the moon 's orbit , which take over eighteen years to make a complete revolution around the ecliptic .
26 ‘ We hope over the five years to make a significant impact into solving the area 's many problems , ’ said Coun Carr .
27 A British experiment in the first years of the twentieth century with commercial secretaries , diplomats detailed for a few years to make a special study of the trade of the area in which they were stationed , had little effect .
28 LENTON and Wortley Hall Association is following the lead of Convocation and asking the Hall 's alumni from these years to make a special effort to attend the 1992 reunion which is to be held in the Hall from 2nd-4th October .
29 When the King received it he asked the Ferrars to make a similar Concordance for him of the Books of Chronicles and Kings , so as to present them as a single narrative .
30 The haulier needs to make a clear distinction , because if a driver is deemed in reality to be an employee , he is protected by the employment legislation .
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