Example sentences of "[noun pl] during the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The same half-hearted recognition of the concept of human capital can be detected in government education policies during the nineteenth century .
2 Italy was in many ways at the heart of musical activities during the eighteenth century ; composers came from other countries to study at the various centres and Italian music was exported the world over .
3 Midland believes that following 40,000 inquiries for First Direct in October , it will open 4,000 to 5,000 accounts during the first month .
4 GRIST also seems to have worsened what has been an increasing difficulty in arts professional development programmes during the last decade .
5 The forwards were again beaten in the line-outs during the first half .
6 South Korean electronics companies have revised upwards their export targets for this year , encouraged by a surge in their shipments during the first quarter of this year : Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said it had raised its export target to $6,200m from its original target of $5,800m , and from $4,700m last year ; Goldstar Co Ltd said it would be able to export $3,400m this year , up from its previous target of $3,200m and the $2,570m last year ; Daewoo Electronics Co Ltd says it sees a smaller increase .
7 It is a lyre-horned breed which was originally white with red muzzle and ears and a few red freckles on the sides , but the use of Ayrshire bulls during the nineteenth century increased the area of red in the coat and in the 1970s the use of NRF bulls darkened the colour cline to the brindle or red lineback of today .
8 Rejected by Tawney ( 1912 ) , this has now been fully vindicated by Dr Kerridge , who has shown that the security conferred on the copyholder by the law was not inferior to that enjoyed by the freeholder , and that it was not a subject for dispute in the courts during the sixteenth century ‘ for the simple reason that the question had been settled long before ’ .
9 It is possible that a ‘ fire storm ’ condition developed in the town , similar to that which occurred in several German cities during the last war , when saturation bombing raids started so many fires that the city became effectively one big fire , sucking into itself hurricane force winds to bring fresh oxygen to the heart of the inferno .
10 And although the supertram concept will spread through major cities during the next decade , Blackpool will still be alone in its use of traditional double-deckers .
11 Any employee at Coniston Mines during the 19th Century would fall into one of two distinct categories : ( 1 ) a dayworker , whose wages were generally based upon a rate of so much per day but which was variable depending upon the degree of skill required , yet at times might be calculated on a piece rate , or , ( 2 ) a miner engaged in winning ore from the stopes , tunnelling , raising , or shaft sinking through rock .
12 Yet , as the British returned to Menorca as holiday-makers and emigrants during the 20th century , cricket returned with them .
13 The use of herbs during the twentieth century had dwindled so much before their present popularity that it had been reduced to the culinary few , such as parsley and mint , with adventurous cooks experimenting with chives , sage and thyme .
14 In other political states during the twentieth century , there has been strong support for the view that art should serve a social purpose .
15 The Chamber of the House of Commons was damaged by bombs during the Second World War and when deciding whether it should be rebuilt as it was originally , or along the lines of the Houses of Parliament in Ottawa and elsewhere in the Commonwealth ( ’ one representative : one desk ’ ) , Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee , with other senior politicians , plumped for the old ways — and the old ways were those of adversarial politics .
16 The gasometer was rebuilt after being badly damaged by German bombs during the last war .
17 The general value of practical placements and projects during the first degree stage is becoming more widely recognized .
18 They have had to develop more detailed service costings than required by their main customers , the district health authorities , who were limited to the less information costly block contracts during the first year of the internal market .
19 L M Ericsson Telefon AB says it signed a number of contracts during the first quarter of 1993 totalling $30m for AXE digital switching kit to extend the public telecommunications network in Liaoning Province , Peoples Republic of China .
20 Between 1908 and 1948 several groups negotiated the needs of older people , among them the National Conference on Old Age Pensions ( NCOAP ) , the National Spinsters ' Pensions Association ( which played an important role in the reduction of women 's pension age from 65 to 60 ) , the National Federation of Old Age Pensions Associations ( NFOAPA ) , and the National Old People 's Welfare Committee , established by voluntary groups during the Second World War .
21 Gruinard Island is prominent off-shore : this was commandeered by the military authorities during the last war for experiments in chemical weapons , the ground being so contaminated that approaches to it were forbidden for forty years afterwards , the ban only recently being lifted .
22 The continued decline of international prices for the LDCs ' main export products during the last decade ; the danger of a fall in official development assistance and the consequences of the Gulf crisis , were listed as the main factors affecting growth in LDCs .
23 The tourists had looked decidedly ordinary at times during the first half , but combined more fluently in the second to run up their most convincing victory to date , albeit a hollow one .
24 Many were , indeed , buried during the Hannibalic War or the civil wars after 49BC , when much of the fighting took place in Italy , but many other hoards were buried at times during the first century BC when there was no fighting there .
25 Tony and the therapist arranged to meet four times during the next month .
26 A TERRIFIED pensioner who has been burgled eight times during the last year said she had become a prisoner in her own home .
27 Llanelli27 LLANELLI , the Schweppes Cup holders , ended any hopes Pontypool had of reaching the semi-final by capitalising on the opposition 's errors to score 24 points in 17 minutes during the second half .
28 Last season Ian gained full International honours , completed his century of Palace goals to join the select group of just five men to have achieved that feat for us since the club 's foundation back in 1905 , and scored twice as Palace beat Everton 4–2 to win the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final at Wembley , while his virtuoso hat-trick , scored in just eighteen minutes during the second half of Palace 's penultimate game of 1990–91 , at Wimbledon , demonstrated in magnificent style that when Ian is on form there is no more dangerous or exciting player than he in the entire Football League .
29 Anxious children showed a slightly different pattern : there were often marked increases in fears and worries during the first year of life of the sibling .
30 Orford Ness , where a staff of 2,000 once worked , has been involved in national defence research and development since the First World War when aircraft fitted with armaments were first tested.Research into bomb ballistics was carried out from 1929 and among the researchers was Barnes Wallis who became famous for inventing the bouncing bombs used against the Mohne and Eder dams during the Second World War .
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