Example sentences of "[noun pl] where the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , these developments have been most widely exploited among the developed countries where the barriers to integration have been least .
2 It was noted that a number of forms and procedures had been devised by the Clerical Assistant and the OIC , and it was considered possible that the analysis might have been more revealing in other establishments where the approach to administrative work was not so methodical .
3 Unequal negotiating positions Where the parties to a restraint agreement are not on equal negotiating terms .
4 After she left the kitchen , Nicandra delayed her disappointing return to Aunt Tossie by a wander in the lower regions where the doors to other domestic businesses opened out of the kitchen passages .
5 In the regions where the drift to the south had its origins , new strategies were being adopted .
6 A special case of such research arises in the situations where the item to be remembered is also the source of arousal .
7 It is fundamental to causal explanation that comparisons are made between instances where the thing to be explained is present and instances where it is absent .
8 At this stage only fit pins to the board at the points where the connections to the off-board components will eventually be made .
9 Most common , perhaps , are those cases where the person to whose rights the agent consented was misled , through the agent 's fault , into believing that the consent was valid and acted reasonably on this belief to his detriment .
10 Cases where the non-disclosure to the proper authority is illegal , as amounting to compounding a felony or a misdemeanour of public import , or where the publication would constitute a public libel , are a fortiori .
11 They demonstrate equitable intervention in favour of married women where the conditions to which I have earlier referred are found to be present .
12 In the 1984 debate on the shipbuilding industry Peter Shore , the opposition spokesman on Trade and Industry , said : ‘ I can think of few industries where the medium to long-term view of demand is more necessary . ’
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