Example sentences of "[noun pl] being [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 This may imply that in cremating areas the vessels were made a certain size for the specific function of containing the ashes , whereas in areas practising inhumation there may not have been such specialised production , the vessels being drawn from the domestic stock .
2 At the end of the season , three clubs would be relegated from the Premier Division , with only the championship winners being promoted from the First Division .
3 We will look at database mapping in detail in Section 4.8 , but in principle , when converting the conceptual schema to the relational model , entities become relations ( entity occurrences being the tuples ) ; the attributes are mapped directly , the key attributes of an entity will be the same as those of the relation ; and the relationships also become relations , their keys being derived from the keys of the relations taking part in the relationship .
4 You need to go mad with your right foot before unpleasant noises being to emanate from the front end .
5 The Doctor and Blake sat on the side of a hill watching the bones being carried from the archaeological dig to a large mechanical transporter .
6 The new 600 now means there are 5 models being produced from the plant ; a stark contrast to the fears of two years ago .
7 ‘ There was , however , an irritating smugness about the statements being issued from the British Labour Party yesterday .
8 The Stavka , Russia 's supreme war council , asked Brusilov what he could do to take pressure off the Italians by preventing even more Austrian troops being taken from the Eastern Front to the Trentino .
9 ( b ) Capital As the capital resources of the firm will have been reduced by the amount required to acquire an outgoing partner 's share in the practice , so that may need to be recouped from the incoming partner ( possibly with additional contributions being needed from the continuing partners ) ; or , in the case of an increase in the number of partners , additional capital may be needed to finance new activities or new offices .
10 Where individual dwellings have intermediate floors , these were carried out in traditional timber joisted construction , the joists being hung from the new masonry cross-walls on joist-hangers .
11 It does not replace each nation 's own system for the control of the export of ‘ national treausres ’ from its respective boundaries , but runs parallel with it , only affecting goods being exported from the EEC , not between member States .
12 After the tun-o-matic bridge , the strings follow a gentle break angle down towards six staggered ferrules , the strings being loaded from the back .
13 Indeed a scenario of resources being drawn from the mental hospitals into the non-mental health budget might be readily anticipated .
14 COHSE members coming out on strike because of their refusal to take a little boy into the theatre for an operation , pin-ups being removed from the Yorkshire miners ' newspaper , painkillers being laced with poison in the US , John Nott walking out on Robin Day in front of the TV cameras , Helmut Kohl taking over from ( crash ) Helmut Schmidt and public service pay rises being kept down to 3 ½ per cent , every single event being , in some eyes , a disaster .
15 Later , under the 1907 provisions for the medical inspection of children , parents ( and again the responsibility usually fell on the mother ) were told what was wrong with their children but were left with the task of seeking and paying for treatment , dependants being excluded from the provisions of the 1911 National Health Insurance Act .
16 President , David followed on and said , and I quote , the successful takeover of the National Health Service depends on agreements being excluded from the present unions and he has not been contradicted .
17 All applications were considered by a Panel , the majority of members being drawn from the ESRC Standing Committees .
18 The morning would follow the same basic pattern of reports and any necessary decisions being taken from the deliberations of our sub committees .
19 More cases like the one exposed by Roger Cook will help stop rare birds being stolen from the wild .
20 The 24 hour telephone service is staffed throughout the year and volunteers have reported a marked increase in the number of calls being received from the Teesdale area .
21 His own proposal , accepted some months later , was that both the Board and District should become Responsible Bodies for Cambridgeshire and that mutually negotiated and harmonious arrangements for local provision be agreed between them , with financial deficits being met from the LEA grant .
22 Samples are already in retailers throughout the country with nearly two thousand outlets being supplied from the Pattern Room , in a carefully planned introduction timed to take advantage of the main selling period during the autumn .
23 We oppose this on the basis that it reinforces our current oppression under capitalism — women being divorced from the means of production .
24 Many self-report studies have been carried out in schools , which will tend to result in school drop-outs and truants being excluded from the sample and lead to an unrepresentative sample .
25 Whereas the increase up to and including 1946 was not attributed to more people being sent to prison each year , thereafter the pattern changed with a substantial rise in the number of convicted and sentenced offenders being received from the courts .
26 Accordingly , simple year-on-year comparisons can lead to unreliable conclusions being drawn from the data .
27 Are the leaves being blown from the trees ?
28 Dore , the historian of the Bible , tells us that ‘ from that date [ 1560 ] until 1612 no year passed without one , two , or more editions being issued from the press . ’
29 How is MBS being used from the outset ?
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