Example sentences of "[noun pl] being [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) To make good any particular objection , the plaintiffs must satisfy the Chancery master , or the taxing master , as the case may be , of the unreasonableness contended for with any doubts being resolved in favour of the defendants .
2 large carrots being dangled in front of them .
3 And it resulted in funds being channelled into education , in millions becoming literate , millions having at least four years at school .
4 In accordance with the recommendation of the Select Committee of The House of Commons ‘ on Foreign Office reconstruction' ’ , made in their Report , dated 13th July last , ‘ ‘ that a preference should be given to the successful competitors in the erection of the New Foreign Office , it is the intention of the Government to employ as the architect of the proposed building , in the event of the necessary funds being voted by Parliament in the ensuing Session , Mr. George Gilbert Scott , one of the successful competitors ' ’ .
5 We hear the words being formed from nature :
6 A week or two earlier there were reports of a clash between the UN and the West , with harsh words being used of Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar .
7 substances led to over 600,000 of these cars being fitted with oxidation catalysts .
8 Such an approach is vital with the increasing demands being placed on health professionals to detect and treat disease before it is clinically apparent .
9 This is a new market for hygiene and one that has significant potential for the future with increasing demands being made in safety and hygiene .
10 During this year , a greater emphasis is placed on learning the skills of the practising nurse , a variety of opportunities being provided in hospital wards and in the community .
11 It is now uncommon , and ill-advised , for the seller to agree to warranties being repeated at completion , since matters could happen between contract and completion completely outside its control ( indeed despite its best efforts ) which would result in a breach of warranty at completion and hence a potential damages claim from the acquirer .
12 COHSE members coming out on strike because of their refusal to take a little boy into the theatre for an operation , pin-ups being removed from the Yorkshire miners ' newspaper , painkillers being laced with poison in the US , John Nott walking out on Robin Day in front of the TV cameras , Helmut Kohl taking over from ( crash ) Helmut Schmidt and public service pay rises being kept down to 3 ½ per cent , every single event being , in some eyes , a disaster .
13 I mentioned bonuses being paid at proof stage .
14 The former , eleven in number — the Clothworkers being formed by amalgamation of the Fullers and Shearmen in 1536 — comprised most of the merchant class .
15 She was no longer anxious about her ability to cope with the inmates of the pet shop , but she still disliked the sight of birds and some of the more sensitive animals being kept in captivity .
16 There was no longer as large an area in which to transport cattle secretly away from the scene of the crime and in which to hide animals being held for ransom .
17 I APPLAUD the excellent article by Raymond Crisp ( Echo March 16 ) about Dr Robert Sharpe 's wonderful idea to stop animals being used for vivisection by issuing Humane Research donor cards — to humans .
18 Examples of the subjects being discussed by SPILL at the moment are :
19 All over the country , there are attractions being ruined by erosion , pollution , traffic congestion and over-development
20 It follows research by the county council and the Essex Physically Handicapped Association which has led to many of the visitor attractions being graded for accessibility .
21 This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party , whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament .
22 Most of the CD-ROM databases being used at present are , not surprisingly , strongly bibliographic in character .
23 For although the Home Rule movement did for a time grow apace , with an ever increasing number of SNP candidates being elected to Parliament and , under the Callaghan administration , the old High School building on Calton Hill being refurbished to accommodate a Scottish debating-chamber ( the old one had become incorporated in the Law Courts ) , the idea of Home Rule made many of my countrymen uneasy ; less , I think , about financial disadvantages ( for oil revenue would have compensated for that ) than at the prospect of feuding between east and west , north and south , and , for some , the prospect of a semi-permanent Labour administration ; and when in 1979 a referendum of the whole Scottish nation was held , the votes in favour of Home Rule did not attain the clear 40 per cent majority on which the House of Commons had insisted .
24 In practice however only specialization by client group has become an established model , although increasingly there may be some evidence of a diversity of specialisms being adopted within client groups , most particularly within child care .
25 Owen Jones 's The Preacher ( 1849 ) shows another experiment , the designs being burnt into wood covers .
26 France also used the type , with about 150/200 being P-63Cs being accepted for service .
27 The effects of the measures on accidents in Buxtehude have already been described , with serious injury accidents down by a third and considerable financial savings being made in addition to the more important human ones .
28 Delivery is not adjustable between 1–2 fluid ounces being delivered per operation .
29 This has ranged from posts being created without manpower approval to trusts inventing their own titles for grades , which results in grave confusion not only from a manpower perspective but also because different titles may imply competence not possessed by the post holder .
30 Elections for the republican assemblies held there during April-May 1990 [ see pp. 37381-82 ] resulted in the communists being ousted from power by opposition parties , although a direct presidential election in Slovenia was won by the candidate of the Party of Democratic Renewal ( LCS — the renamed Slovene League of Communists — see p. 37381 ) .
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