Example sentences of "[noun pl] up in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Someone or something had been through the fridge and taken away a few samples of earthling diet — a chilli con carne and a cold lasagne that was probably even now being scoffed by a load of blobs up in the ionosphere .
2 Who was it who said that the Irish took the English language and threw the words up in the air just to see how they all sparkled as they came tumbling down ?
3 Note how they sometimes walk with their tails up in the air , probably using them as a flag for signalling to others in the group when on the move through undergrowth .
4 — helping to get clients up in the morning
5 Oh , I 've been hearing strange noises up in the loft lately and I got up there to see what it was .
6 So you can say you 're about one hundred and five feet up in the air .
7 To his credit , or possibly his ignorance , Michael then immediately filmed the next scene , where he had to be seen on the underside of a fire engine 's turntable ladder twenty feet up in the air , being lowered to the ground .
8 A close wet-shave is not really possible , say if he 's thousands of feet up in the air and he wants to stay sweet with fellow plane passengers .
9 A close wet-shave is not really possible , say if he 's thousands of feet up in the air and he wants to stay sweet with fellow plane passengers .
10 with his feet up in the air at th the bottom end of the wardrobe , or what was now the top end .
11 Rest as much as your body tells you to , and if you are at work , get your feet up in the lunch-hour .
12 Some may not find suitable lodging until they get 4,500 feet up in the mountain .
13 The lad heard curses and hollering coming from the kitchen and , on entering the kitchen discovered the victim feet up in the vat , and Jarman cursing in pain and rubbing spattered fat from his face .
14 Why do n't they put all the leaders of all the countries up in the air
15 ROPED IN : One of the crews lines up in the rigging for the sail-past
16 She was also staggered by how energetically the Argentines played , hitting balls up in the air , juggling and tapping them , twisting , turning and stopping , followed by Ferrari bursts of acceleration before circling again .
17 But Connery 's antics up in the rainforest canopy at least provide one of the few effective moments in the otherwise slow-moving , uninspired Green adventure Medicine Man ( Guild , PG , out now ) .
18 I put a suitcase on the bed and began to throw clothes into it , half my dresses so that Richard would n't notice when he hung his trousers up in the wardrobe , but all my underwear , since he would not look in my drawer .
19 Those guests up in the holiday village are nothing like these people , Doctor .
20 Philip was glad he 'd left the wire and cutters up in the wood .
21 There were four emergency beds up in the centre of the ward .
22 Normally when you start water-skiing , you are lying in the water with your skis up in the air and the boat goes slowly away and you slowly come up , but this was like being catapulted into the water .
23 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
24 God as an old man with a beard pulling strings up in the sky is doomed forever to be invisible and impossible .
25 And there was the searchlights up in the sky .
26 He built us nine platforms up in the canopy .
27 Ever since I was able to go into Porteneil alone and check things up in the library my father has had to be pretty straight with me , but when I was younger he used to fool me time after time , answering my honest if naive questions with utter rubbish .
28 I 'm quite good at mixing things up in the pan and throwing in whatever 's available .
29 However , it does also remove any chance of adjusting your line with the accelerator , causing artificially strong understeer that builds up as soon as the ASR exclamation mark lights up in the speedometer .
30 In the latter we learnt about gammy gear , in-fights , unprofessional ‘ promoters ’ and an obscure though mystical ceremony between band and tribal chiefs up in the hillside .
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