Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 John Wesley said : ‘ Give me a hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin , and desire nothing but God , and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen .
2 The secondary premise of Sean 's Show , as described by producer Katie Lander , is that ‘ he 's being controlled by scriptwriters who treat him as a sitcom character .
3 Most clients who seek them in fact qualify for green form assistance and they are comparatively uncommon .
4 PEOPLE use patents either as a valid legal weapon to block rival manufacture or as a bluff to put off rival manufacturers who know nothing about patent law and do not take legal advice from a patent agent .
5 However , despite its steering reach adjustment , drivers who like lots of space may feel a bit cramped .
6 Yet despite these fundamental flaws , both theories continue to attract supporters who regard them as ‘ a fair implication of liberal individualism ’ .
7 Bond is still despised by Burnley supporters who blame him for the club 's demise after his season in charge eight years ago .
8 Nowadays they may be esteemed by their peers who know something of their work , but this esteem has little currency value in the committee-rooms where performance is appraised .
9 It would remind them that young men who carry knives and youngsters who take them to school may lose their temper and find that one stab is enough to kill a school mate or a police officer .
10 A NEW scheme to help youngsters who find themselves under pressure and at risk of turning to crime has been welcomed by the Duke of Westminster .
11 The Committee found the picture quality generally satisfactory ; happily this was also the judgement of the broadcasters who use them in their programmes .
12 You have things like heredity , marriages , divorces , erm some way of life which has to do with Islamic doctrine that you do and some dispute happens , you take it to the Islamic courts and they have religious judges who take it in that context and they go according to the laws of Islam .
13 We have agreed with the phalanx of councillors and canvassers who guide him through life and Durham North West that his education should be completed with a visit to the Cow Tail , a pub near Crook of great and deserved renown .
14 It was such a good story that some of those allrounders — you know , the chaps who cover everything from ice hockey to cricket , to snooker to racing to athletics — homed in on it .
15 Fishing is also a sport , although the chaps who do it for a livelihood in trawlers are not included in the sporting fraternity .
16 Some are in the hands of collectors or co-operatives of enthusiasts who see them as relics to cherish and maintain as part of our heritage , but these are in the minority .
17 But I do n't like being called a funking animal by a load of nonces who know nothing about me . ’
18 The care of the war graves in civil cemeteries and churchyards is generally entrusted to local and church authorities who maintain them in agreement with the Commission .
19 But it is undoubtedly dangerous and often cruel , stirring not so much the boxers but the crowds who watch them to a pitch of savagery quite incompatible with the notion that boxing is ‘ the noble art of self-defence ’ .
20 We rely on the good advice of our solicitors who advise us on the appropriate action to take .
21 But the plan has drawn criticism from the Palestinians ' Arab peace talks partners , who accuse Arafat of lack of consultation , and from hardline Palestinian groups who denounce it as a sell-out .
22 But Disney executives , serious men in grey suits who describe themselves as ‘ nice solid businessmen who do things in a nice solid way ’ and who hope to take a nice solid £500 million this year alone , have taken criticism in good heart .
23 It is above all those children who were cared for actively by their grandparents who recall them in depth and with strong feeling .
24 earlier , we 've had a lot of calls on this on er , the best way to deal with house guests who inflict themselves on you over Christmas , have you ever had any horror stories yourself ?
25 Mr Sheppard believes the task calls for accomplished generalists who know something of law , accounting , commercial practice , people management and administrative systems , without being confined to a narrow , specialist niche .
26 These areas are the stock in trade of psychologists who busy themselves with mechanisms and models but never fully with origins or evolutionary history .
27 Such sentiments are confirmed by reports from the few dealers who make it into stockbroking offices .
28 ‘ Small businesses are operated by individuals who place everything on the line that is their money , their skills , their enthusiasm and , in many cases , the matrimonial home . ’
29 Er the second polygyny where you have one male and then females and here reproductive success erm meaning that there 's a large again you 'll have the males who 'll have the large reproductive success than males who have none at all and erm of course often differences between male and female because the male has and the male has opportunities to erm try to control success rate the female biological and er consequently with this kind of system from female choice and male competition and er are about eighty percent and er polygamy is when you have many males and many females and er is also and er I would assume it 's kind of like males have opportunities .
30 This majestic sight , glimpsed through undulating woldland patchwork , or from the flatter marshland , entices all strangers who behold it for the first time to come and investigate the town further ; to discover its rich history and its modern enchantment .
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