Example sentences of "[noun pl] can never [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Except in the most arid and scholarly publications , your value to journalists can never be measured simply in terms of the quality of your music .
2 Growth in iron founding was not without problems although the history of many individual sites can never be written .
3 Cnut 's laws , which initially look such promising sources , are in reality something of a quicksand in which their compiler and his motives can never be forgotten .
4 The two have already planned a Christmas together , both fully aware the happiness of earlier years can never be recaptured .
5 Ideas can never be packaged so conveniently .
6 Montag is astonished to find that they too burn books , however they destroy only the cases which contain the words , the ideas can never be destroyed while they live on inside the people , to be written out once more to give joy after the ‘ Dark Age ’ has passed .
7 In the end it does work , but the development costs can never be recovered .
8 The expertise of specialist planning consultants can never be replaced by the generalist , particularly where complex projects such as town centre schemes and developments which may proceed to a major planning inquiry are involved .
9 Certain things can never be blamed on or explained in terms of witchcraft .
10 For non-Marxists , then , Marxist theories can never be disproved empirically because the theory can always be reworked or ‘ false consciousness ’ invoked to explain any apparent aberrant behaviour which appears to be inconsistent with the general logic of the objective laws of change which Marx originally formulated .
11 Unlike plosive , the release stage of affricates can never be omitted , eg which chairs contains no unexploded allophone as does bad dog .
12 Such an occurrence guarantees disaster within a configuration control system , which is why identifiers can never be removed from LIFESPAN .
13 The masses can never be expected to have a clear conception of a supreme God without investing those attributes with a projection of their own personality .
14 And again , over a longer time span genes will have changed by mutation or altered their effects by chromosomal recombination so that the effect they exert on traits can never be considered in isolation .
15 The relationship between parents and children can never be taken for granted .
16 It is true that most of the mystics rejected life and lived far from it , for the two worlds can never be mixed .
17 In so far as the exercise of judgement by officials when applying rules to particular cases can never be made entirely unnecessary by the articulation of rules to fit all instances , the values of individual officials will affect the outcome of executive action .
18 These experiments somewhat underestimate mutation rates because , even where new mutations are held heterozygous against balancer chromosomes , it is impossible to eliminate natural selection altogether if mutations are not completely recessive ; to take the extreme example , dominant lethals can never be accumulated .
19 It is easy to go to the odd verse or two in the Bible and conclude triumphantly that homosexuality is a great evil and homosexual practices can never be condoned .
20 In the human world , potential dangers range from the non-kinsmen and non-band members whose intentions can never be known with certainty , to the homicidal mai kahnoh kuui — ‘ the cutting-off-head-strangers ’ — who are believed to lurk along forest paths to decapitate the unwary , selling the heads to lowland Malays for ritual purposes .
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