Example sentences of "[noun pl] as she [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her pale , oval face framed with raven-dark hair and her slender , high-breasted figure betrayed the Louisiana French blood in her veins , and the officer smiled directly into her eyes as she lifted a glass of fresh lime juice and glace pilee from his tray with a white-gloved hand .
2 She followed them meekly , avoiding Ling 's watchful eyes as she left the room , although she was well aware of his wide grin .
3 There had been tears in her eyes as she crossed the road with him to Mario 's and he brought two cups of coffee and two club milk chocolate biscuits to the plastic-topped table where she waited for him .
4 Laura sighed , lying back against the head-rest of the open sports car , closing her eyes as she relished the cool breeze rustling through her blonde hair .
5 Breathing heavily , she occasionally brushed the sweat from her eyes as she photographed the scene in the next room .
6 Lucy was unable to meet his eyes as she took the receiver from him .
7 She avoided his eyes as she placed the fresh drink on the table by his elbow , and the unchanging passivity of her face enraged him suddenly without reason .
8 Julian rose as he came in , and bowed herself unnoticed from the room ; but from beneath her lowered lids she saw them meet , and the private radiance that lit their faces was still a dazzle in her eyes as she closed the door upon them .
9 Tears rose haphazardly to her eyes as she watched the sequence of silent film Alexei showed her in the now darkened room .
10 That the gulf existed was something she had known all along , so what she had overheard and the realisation it brought with it should n't be causing tears to prick behind her eyes as she opened the cupboard in the study that adjoined Faye and Bill 's bedroom , and got out the testing kit she had come for .
11 She climbed from the water and wrapped a towel about her wet body , padding barefoot across the carpet , a soft light of welcome playing in her eyes as she opened the door .
12 There were tears in Cynthia 's eyes as she held the thin , wasted body of her adored sister in her arms .
13 Julie could see the tears in her eyes as she re-read the sheet of paper , touching her dead husband 's name with her fingers as she read .
14 Claudia closed her eyes as she remembered the time she had come home earlier than usual .
15 They crowded round with curious eyes as she untied the string but it was Mrs Rae whose face broke into a beaming smile first .
16 I strained to hear my mother 's words as she answered the phone , but they were muffled , brief , as if responding to a death .
17 Impulsively , and without changing from the pale blue uniform she had put on this morning , since she did n't know how Faye wanted her new nurse to dress , Belinda found her way to the kitchen where the housekeeper , Mrs Porter , was creating deliciously savoury aromas as she cooked a three-course evening meal that was carefully balanced with Faye 's special needs in mind .
18 ‘ Better to have loved and lost ’ , ’ she quoted softly to herself , then a smile of sheer female pleasure curved her lips as she heard the sounds of tapping on her bedroom door .
19 She kept the cigarette between her lips as she fashioned the dreadful thing , and her eyes watered in the stream of smoke .
20 A maliciously playful smile curved her lips as she aimed the revolver at her attacker 's mid-section .
21 He heard the bolt slide from the attic door , then her tread on the stairs and the muffle of voices as she reached the upper room .
22 Delia Sutherland watched the coming and going of Luney 's bare feet as she brought the food she had prepared .
23 Isabel did n't even notice her wet feet as she encountered the pools of water left by the rain .
24 Her hands stiffened on the keys as she heard the door open .
25 She took a couple of steps on the highly polished floor and fell head over everything , put out her hands to break the inevitable fall , and heard the sickening snaps as she hit the deck .
26 Her movements as she set the inverted cups upright on their saucers and manipulated milk jug , teapot and hot water jug were precise and just a little fussy .
27 Reflecting in her vague kindly way that it was very nice for Jasper to have friends of his own age to play with in the holidays , a lot better than in the days when he had lived in that tower block in Walworth , she was still thinking along these lines as she entered the gateless gateway and found her eyes irresistibly turning upwards to the bell .
28 There are few needs specific to the use of cotton Wool ; most of the interest centred on the mother 's more general needs as she uses the product .
29 YVONNE Murray has Mary Decker 's eight-year-old record of 5min 34.8sec in her sights as she tackles the rarely-run 2,000 metres at the star-studded TSB International in Birmingham today .
30 She had been rolling her hips as she held the tip of his impatient knob just inside her cunt lips .
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