Example sentences of "[noun pl] as she [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The water clashed in her ears as she went down and down .
2 Summer in the country , was the toast echoing in Diane 's ears as she went back inside ; and she shuddered , and wondered if she could think up something really cutting to say the first time one of them tried to treat her like a servant .
3 Hair , streaked with the colours of the sun , tumbled down her back and over her shoulders and swung in waves as she shimmied down the catwalk .
4 Sydney N241 riding the waves as she runs up her outer engines .
5 The tears welled , beautifully , in her eyes as she gazed up into his face , then down in sorrow .
6 There were tears in her eyes as she gazed up at him .
7 Hurt showed clearly in her tawny eyes as she gazed back at him .
8 ‘ You think , ’ she began , dabbing at her eyes as she came back with the pad , ‘ you think someone — someone killed my Charlie because he would n't go on — go on doing these jobs for them ? ’
9 Tears misted her eyes as she stared back at him , wishing she did n't feel so confused , and heard him curse softly , as though the words were torn from him against his will .
10 She was tucking in the sheets at the wall side , and blowing the hair out of her eyes as she reached over .
11 There were tears in her eyes as she looked down across the footlights to the man in the front row , on his feet now , applauding .
12 There were unashamed tears in Lindsey 's eyes as she sat back on her heels , staring into Niall 's sweat-filmed face .
13 Sparks danced in her eyes as she squared up to him .
14 Tears sprang into Adele Duncan 's eyes as she held out her hands .
15 It was easy to imagine the sparkle in Sophie 's eyes as she snapped up this morsel .
16 Leonora sat up , rubbing her eyes as she switched off the lamp , so exhilarated to find she 'd slept the night through that she was less cast down than expected to find her identity was still a mystery .
17 Dorothy George , after describing the " roastbeef " of old England , retained her rose-coloured spectacles as she went on to an extraordinarily generous view of the Poor Law .
18 She could feel the plastic sticking to her tights as she sat down .
19 ‘ We 'll be having a quiet family supper at around seven o'clock , and you 'll be able to tuck the twins up in bed after that , OK ? ’ she added , brushing away their thanks as she bustled off towards the large ranch house .
20 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
21 She found the make-up room and went in , a faint smile playing about her lips as she looked round .
22 Then , like a dam bursting , suddenly she was diving across the room , a sob escaping from her lips as she reached out to snatch it up .
23 She dried the udder and pulled the three-legged stool across , jamming the first bucket between her knees as she sat down , so that Florence could not kick it over .
24 " You must go to the city , for the princess of this land has lost her keys as she rode out in the meadows by the river , and she has sent all her people to hunt for them .
25 On making these decisions , her panic attacks stopped and were replaced by a mixture of emotions as she faced up to her fear of intimacy and commitment , and her excitement and uncertainty over becoming a mature student .
26 The woman 's face staring at him , her footsteps as she ran off and the stench of the multi-tentacled creature were all a blur as he lapsed in and out of consciousness .
27 The Princess , dressed simply in a white blouse and dark skirt , was draped with crimson flower garlands as she flew over Mount Everest in a helicopter , 40 years after a British-sponsored expedition became the first to reach the summit of the world 's highest mountain.As she flew past the snowy peak a relative of a Nepalese climber who accompanied Sir Edmund Hillary up Everest in 1953 was leading a seven-member Australian team up the mountain.Although the Princess did not see any climbers she told fellow passengers aboard her Super Puma helicopter that she had a wonderful time seeing the mountain through clear skies .
28 Behind her , in the shadows , she could hear Florence making odd , bad-tempered cow-noises as she shifted about on the hard floor .
29 But she could n't help it ; the silent tears coursed out of her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks as she stared up at him , the betrayal wrenching at her heart .
30 It hid the shamed colour that stormed into her cheeks as she sat up , half turning away from him .
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