Example sentences of "[noun pl] had been taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were strong regional differences ( with the south being the least tolerant region ) after individual social and economic characteristics had been taken into account , however , and those regional differences did not decline over the period .
2 BR 's project manager , Kenneth McKay , acknowledged that financial considerations had been taken into account .
3 Similar steps had been taken on May 31 by France and were taken on June 6 by Italy , while the Belgian government warned against eating British beef and set up a health inquiry .
4 Some serious steps had been taken towards that outburst of anticlericalism and , in particular , antipapalism which marked the later fourteenth century : suspicions had been raised about the church 's landed wealth and envy of it had been fanned ; resentment against the papacy — by the clergy as well as by the laity — was growing ; above all parliament was providing an assembly where hostility could be orchestrated , diffused and preserved .
5 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
6 On several occasions , according to Werner 's informants , groups of Toraja resistance fighters had been taken into the forest by the Japanese , machine-gunned , and left there as a warning to others .
7 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
8 There were indications that some articles had been taken from the Soviet Union 's constitution but there was little evidence of other constitutions having been consulted except , curiously , for the Meiji constitution in Japan .
9 Previously , the refugees had been taken to the US Guantánamo naval base on Cuba for screening prior to being offered temporary political asylum or , as in the majority of cases , repatriated as " economic " migrants .
10 Results announced on Oct. 6 showed that 35 seats had been taken by outspoken critics of the government , described by the Washington Post as " drawn from a diverse group of Islamists , secular liberals and traditional politicians " , 15 of whom were said to be from districts which traditionally had supported the ruling family .
11 ‘ When I was there I was given a copy of a US Senate foreign relations report which alleged that a large number of British POWs from the Second World War had disappeared in Soviet hands , and that a number of United Nations troops had been taken by the Soviets from the Chinese during the Korean War and never returned .
12 Russian losses were massive — General Falkenhayn estimated human loss at about ‘ three-quarters of a million men in prisoners alone ’ — and artillery and weaponry of all kinds had been taken in great quantity .
13 My father thus replied to the effect that while he was most grateful that his feelings had been taken into account , Mr Silvers could be assured that service would be provided to the usual standards .
14 Their lives had been so impoverished that even those elementary things had been taken from them .
15 Philip of Swabia , meanwhile , was maintaining the illegality of the meeting on the grounds that there was a legitimate heir , that oaths had been taken to that heir by all the princes and that , furthermore , few of them had been present at Andernach .
16 This is because we have fairly strong evidence from ancient Egyptian art , showing that cats had been taken under human control by that period .
17 Nevertheless , commentators assessed that the decision to revise the price rises had been taken in response to the strikes and street protests which they had provoked , notably in the normally conservative and politically tranquil Byelorussia .
18 With Methodists , however , the talk of reunion bore fruit not only at home but abroad where English divisions had been taken by emigrants .
19 He said that , despite the fact that representatives of the Russian Parliament did not want them to be built and decisions had been taken for them not to be built , they were still being built because of the nature of the command economy that is being phased out .
20 Although no final decisions had been taken by March 1990 , the plans under discussion included the closure of several European bases and the possible halving of the 305,000 US troops currently stationed in Western Europe by 1994 [ see below for defence budget proposals ] .
21 People had been condemned without any rights to attend the tribunals , to have legal representation , to judicial review , or even to know why decisions had been taken against them .
22 The Spidergobs had once caught a technerd to have fun with , a technerd who could savvy scumlingo , and who 'd screamed about how all his gang cousins had been taken into the Troopies up at some gateway fortress where the land-trains left , whatever those were .
23 The Assembly also expressed concern that no concrete measures had been taken in accordance with the 1989 General Assembly resolution appealing to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties to exclude South Africa from participation in their meetings [ see also p. 37434 ] .
24 A number of measures had been taken by the defendants to cover their tracks from the outside world .
25 Police had been taken by surprise as fifteen thousand travellers converged on the area .
26 When she arrived at the Rectory she found that Mrs Chamberlin was out , the Rectory children had been taken for a walk by the nursemaid , the Rector had asked not to be disturbed for he had both a parish letter and acute indigestion to tackle that afternoon .
27 Serious failures in parenting were also evident in the ex-care sample : one-fifth of their children had been taken into care and as many as one-third of the women had experienced some form of transient or permanent parenting breakdown with at least one of their children .
28 Both crises arose from discontent over the financing of the war , but it is perhaps a measure of the king 's failing powers that whereas in 1340–1 the lead in attacking his ministers had been taken by the king himself , the initiative now rested with a group of lay nobles , chief amongst whom , if some of the chroniclers are to be believed , was the young Earl of Pembroke .
29 By the time all these factors had been taken into account , any link between lead and impaired intelligence faded into statistical insignificance .
30 For example , subjects in the 50th centile group had a birth weight lying between the 49th and 50th centiles after the above factors had been taken into account .
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