Example sentences of "[noun pl] had be [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 His eyes had been rubbed a raw red by fatigue and cold and had a harried glitter .
2 The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into a dispute on London building sites .
3 Up to then the UK and Irish entries had been fighting a tooth and nail contest .
4 His previous sermons had been pitched a little too high for their comprehension .
5 Even after peasant representation had been abruptly cut in 1907 , and the nobles had been guaranteed a virtual veto against undesirable peasant candidates , the peasant deputies elected to the Third and Fourth Dumas remained unshakeable on the land question .
6 The miners had been seeking a 25 per cent pay increase , but the mine faced an uncertain future , with reserves expected to run out by 1996 .
7 The engineers had been investigating a fault with overhead cables in the field at Bromyard in Herefordshire .
8 They seemed to be positioned at random as if the guests had been playing a game with them and not sitting around the table in an orderly fashion .
9 Her loose silk smock had been raised , while the elastic waistband of her matching trousers had been lowered a few inches so that her pale abdomen , not yet beginning to swell with the new life inside her , was ready to be smeared lightly with the gel that would facilitate the task of finding the tiny heartbeat .
10 One of his ideas had been to take a small naval party with him who would attempt to scuttle a ship in the harbour mouth .
11 The forward ceptors had been showing a bright little disc that was the planet Fraxilly , steadily enlarging as we crept near to it on planetary drive .
12 The officers had been plotting a map , in changing colours , to show how the contras were fading out of Nicaragua ; suddenly it reversed its trend , and they were back .
13 IF THE inflation figures had been published a couple of days earlier , the Labour party would no doubt have made the most of a fall which was far short of expectations .
14 On Nov. 16 he testified before a parliamentary committee that orders had been given a month previously to freeze " Operation Gladio " .
15 Some thought that fundholding general practitioners had been given a perverse incentive not to spend money on their patients or even to be selective in the types of patient they enrolled on their list .
16 The craftsmen of the local Guilds had been performing a play on the Feast of Corpus Christi for eighty years .
17 All hospital patients had been given a diagnosis of primary depression uncomplicated by any underlying condition such as alcoholism , but were also given a full clinical interview ( PSE ) by the research psychiatrist .
18 Professor Roesdahl , of Aarhus University , Denmark , who is one of the chief organisers , explains that Scandinavian scholars had been planning a major show on the Vikings for some time , and the French became involved because they had also wanted to hold such an exhibition , partly to examine the Viking role in Normandy .
19 The youths had been holding a vigil for student Quaddus Ali , who remains ‘ critical but stable ’ after reportedly being attacked by a gang of white youths in Stepney , east London , on Wednesday .
20 Prior to this meeting , which lasted 8 hours , members had been sent a draft constitution , the handiwork of Charles Gorham , who had consulted and taken the advice of his solicitor , Mr R S Wigin of Leeds .
21 The Full Federal Court allowed the appeal on the ground that there had been no breach of natural justice as the respondents had been given a hearing and , in the opinion of one Judge , had not been deprived of any present benefit or advantage .
22 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
23 The trousers were tucked into high boots , and Rostov saw that his son 's eyelids had been stained a shade of silver-blue .
24 While the police had been offered a rise of 9.25 per cent , ambulance staff , who earned only £10,000 after qualification , were being offered 6.5 per cent .
25 At least the Spanish authorities had been conducting a professional search .
26 Milton had written a letter to one of the Stirlingshire lairds , assuring him of his friendship and advising him that one of the laird 's sons had been given a post as a salt officer .
27 The sun stood uncertainly on the horizon , a disc of perfect orange , hovering above the smudge of suburban parks and tiled roofs , the same sun Spittals had been admiring a couple of hours before .
28 Before the first day of the project , both groups had been given a very general outline of the activities in which they would be involved .
29 Some believed indeed that the original intention of Soviet Mediterranean deployments had been to induce a negotiated withdrawal of the United States ' Sixth Fleet .
30 Formalities over , our routine search of the yacht revealed that , amongst other educational subjects the boys had been given a practical lesson in how to avoid paying the duty on a considerable quantity of wines and spirits .
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