Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [verb] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the last morning of his captivity , on 27 November , his guards had shown him a newspaper and in particular a photograph on one of the pages .
2 Gary could remember with utter clarity the first time that some other kids had called him a Spade .
3 During his years at Oxford , he had spent part of his vacations in France , but those relatively short periods had given him no idea of the chaos that had prevailed since his father 's death .
4 The magistrates chairman told foster parents had given him a chance — it was now up to him to take it .
5 She remembered the evening because his parents had given him an awful sweater for his birthday and between comedy programmes on the television she and Alan thought up alternative uses for an awful sweater .
6 He looked older , she thought — more mature , as if the events and uncertainties of recent weeks had given him a maturity beyond his years .
7 The Galapagos islands had given him the clue by showing that small populations derived from the same original species could evolve in different directions when separated by a geographical barrier such as the ocean .
8 The doctors had told him the truth about his health and , though he was not doomed as a man , it must be the end of his political life .
9 The Danes had given him the appropriately named Order of the Elephant .
10 By the time he did , her new book was out and her publishers had sent him an advance copy .
11 She was said to have paid £1,000 towards the £2,000 down payment given to the undercover detectives by her father and Chief Superintendent John Homer said that in dealings with Mr Smith police had found him a difficult and opinionated man .
12 Jimmy Johnstone , the outstanding Celtic winger whose mesmerising dribbling skills had earned him the nickname ‘ Jinky ’ , was busy mesmerising himself .
13 By September the Franco courts had given him a twenty-year prison sentence .
14 The American smiled at the accurate description of the Vice President whose reputation for always falling asleep at meetings had earned him the nickname of Mogadon Man .
15 He had been working at tar Processing and the fumes had given him an unpleasant skin complaint .
16 His classmates had called him a sissie because he had never dared to dirty himself by climbing a wall or joining in any of their rough-and-tumble games .
17 Griffith had come to the movies quite late in life and he came as a man whose varied experiences and whose accumulated opinions , myths , and prejudices had given him a sense of America and of himself as having a place in it .
18 His first plan was to have the film , provisionally entitled Who Killed Bambi ? directed by Russ Meyer , a corpulent , moustachioed American whose films featuring pendulous-breasted women had made him an improbable recipient of cult acclaim .
19 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
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