Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She went to the houses of friends , she was invited everywhere , but not one of her schoolmates had crossed the door of Maple Gardens .
2 AJAX , disqualified from European competition for two years after their fans had caused the abandonment of a UEFA Cup tie , had the punishment halved on appeal yesterday .
3 They visited the huge Gothic cathedral and gazed in awe at the beautiful Murillos — Saint Anthony and the Immaculate Conception — the stained-glass windows and the many other treasures the centuries had gifted the cathedral with .
4 Well , they jogged along for some time but , as you might care to imagine , there had to come a moment when the legs had reached the top of the tree , everyone could see everything and therefore the game had finished .
5 The region comprised a non-contiguous amalgamation of Sulu , the Tawi Tawi island group and the mainland Mindanao provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur ( the four provinces had approved the autonomy plan in the November 1989 referendum held in the 13 southern provinces of the Philippines — see p. 37042 ) .
6 A coalition of nearly 50 civil rights , Hispanic , black and women 's organizations had opposed the nomination of Judge Kenneth L. Ryskamp of Miami , on the grounds of his alleged hostility to minorities .
7 Snaith was a Peculiar , ie it had its own ecclesiastical court and in many ways it was exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop , which may explain the fact that the Bishop 's inspectors came to interview the brothers at Snaith for reported ‘ indiscretions ’ and were unable to carry out their inspection because the brothers had summoned the ferry to the Snaith bank so they could not cross the river !
8 Most famously , after the Al Fayed brothers had acquired the House of Fraser , which includes Harrods , the Secretary of State in April 1987 appointed inspectors under the Companies Act 1985 to investigate and report on alleged fraud and deceit in the takeover .
9 When nominations closed on Wednesday afternoon , four candidates had entered the contest for the Winchester parliamentary seat on April 9th , very much as expected .
10 In the Pentland Firth , they said , the waves had overrun the island of Stroma from end to end , piling fish and wreckage on the top , and destroying the steading and boats of Thorfinn 's steward .
11 At several points the route was unclear , where the buffalo and other animals had churned the grass into a mass of muddy trails , so we trended upwards , away from the boggy sections and towards the crest of a broad ridge that formed one side of the river valley .
12 Now it was as if my eyes had glimpsed the windows of a dimly lit house .
13 But now his eyes had spotted the date .
14 It was many years since the assassin 's eyes had taken the pleasure they did now , seeing him .
15 ( By contrast , in April 1990 some journalists had questioned the regime 's claim of an alleged attempted coup , dismissing it as a pretext for action against suspected opponents — see p. 37367 . )
16 When she had been strapped back on to the bed beside a tray of sinister-looking instruments in the medical centre , Benny had tensed her muscles as best she could , before the guards had fixed the buckles and left .
17 To his left three guards had taken the strain on a rope that ran tight and stretched to the building .
18 The camp guards had allowed the baby six months ' life and then , when Elisabeth was selected for the officers ' brothel and her breasts required for purposes other than those of nourishing a Jewish infant , a non-commissioned officer , having polished his boots , drawn up the mess accounts , written an affectionate note to his wife and son and relieved his bladder , took Elisabeth Danziger 's baby from her arms and dashed out its brains against the stone wall outside his office .
19 By a fatal miscalculation , the guards had chosen the day of St Giles ' fair .
20 When the guards had surrounded the train we were allowed to get in .
21 The smaller regional administrative units had initialled the Treaty on March 18 .
22 The Provisionals said that one of their active service units had placed the devices , causing damage to prime commercial property .
23 The Moldovan Defence Ministry claimed that army units had entered the town to defend Moldovan police from attack by Dnestr forces backed by the 14th Army , and denied the 1,000 deaths claimed by Dnestr sources .
24 The drivers had turned the vehicles back towards the highway to be ready to move the moment the men , weapons and ammunition were loaded .
25 In this instance DHAs had begun the process in their feasibility reports by putting in ‘ bids ’ for resources which were couched in ideal terms .
26 The clergy had informed the people 's conscience on the basis of what they considered to be the essential religious interests of their flock .
27 By the end of the 1970s , the increasing weakness of American political parties had become the subject of comment and concern across the country .
28 Subsequent reports indicated that opposition parties had questioned the draft constitution 's stipulation that national assembly seats allocated by proportional representation ( half of the total , the rest being elected on a constituency basis by majority vote ) should be based on presidential election results , thus effectively guaranteeing the president a favourable majority in the assembly .
29 By notice of appeal dated 22 April 1992 the father appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that any consideration of the children 's welfare in the context of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was relevant only as a material factor if it met the test of placing the children in an ‘ intolerable situation ’ under article 13 ( b ) ; ( 2 ) the judge should have limited considerations of welfare to the criteria for welfare laid down by the Convention itself ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that in the context of the exercise of the discretion permitted by article 13 ( a ) the court was limited to a consideration of the nature and quality of the father 's acquiescence ( as found by the Court of Appeal ) ; ( 4 ) in the premises , despite her acknowledgment that the exercise of her discretion had to be seen in the context of the Convention , the judge exercised a discretion based on a welfare test appropriate to wardship proceedings ; ( 5 ) the judge was further in error as a matter of law in not perceiving as the starting point for the exercise of her discretion the proposition that under the Convention the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the state from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 6 ) the judge , having found that on the ability to determine the issue between the parents there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England , was wrong not to conclude that as a consequence the mother had failed to displace the fundamental premise of the Convention that the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the country from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 7 ) the judge also misdirected herself when considering which court should decide the future of the children ( a ) by applying considerations more appropriate to the doctrine of forum conveniens and ( b ) by having regard to the likely outcome of the hearing in that court contrary to the principles set out in In re F. ( A Minor ) ( Abduction : Custody Rights ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 25 ; ( 8 ) in the alternative , if the judge was right to apply the forum conveniens approach , she failed to have regard to the following facts and matters : ( a ) that the parties were married in Australia ; ( b ) that the parties had spent the majority of their married life in Australia ; ( c ) that the children were born in Australia and were Australian citizens ; ( d ) that the children had spent the majority of their lives in Australia ; ( e ) the matters referred to in ground ( 9 ) ; ( 9 ) in any event on the facts the judge was wrong to find that there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England as fora for deciding the children 's future ; ( 11 ) the judge was wrong on the facts to find that there had been a change in the circumstances to which the mother would be returning in Australia given the findings made by Thorpe J. that ( a ) the former matrimonial home was to be sold ; ( b ) it would be unavailable for occupation by the mother and the children after 7 February 1992 ; and ( c ) there would be no financial support for the mother other than state benefits : matters which neither Thorpe J. nor the Court of Appeal found amounted to ‘ an intolerable situation . ’
30 In Capricorn Inks Pty Ltd v Lawter International ( Australasia ) Pty Ltd [ 1989 ] 1 Qd R 8 , the parties had settled the question of liability in their dispute and instructed a firm of accountants to act as experts to decide the amount of damages .
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