Example sentences of "[noun pl] are being [vb pp] down " in BNC.

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1 At the moment , the water there is flowing too swiftly for prospecting ; but a lot of old mine-tailings are being washed down , and with them , presumably , gold .
2 He said : ‘ Once one group of residents goes , the others want to go fairly quickly because they can see their homes are being wound down . ’
3 Though deregulation , in the sense that barriers are being broken down , is undeniably an increasing characteristic of events in financial markets world-wide , it is not the whole picture of what is happening .
4 Licensees are having to leave their pubs in their thousands , and more and more pubs are being closed down .
5 Hain said : ‘ It is grotesque to resume rugby and cricket links while innocent blacks are being gunned down .
6 Now I have a dire suspicion that pink fir apples are being kept down artificially , that a cartel is operating .
7 It would be useful to know whether there are any similarities in the graves with and without amber in each type of cemetery as it may help us to understand whether such goods are being handed down through society and something of the controls on access to them .
8 Trees are being cut down at such a rate that the total forest cover of the Earth is decreasing rather than increasing .
9 Tragically , these trees are being torn down from the rapidly diminishing rainforests — and are not being replanted .
10 This means that harem females are being passed down from father to son in a patrilineal fashion .
11 The biggest threat is from loss of habitat because the rainforests are being chopped down at such a fast rate .
12 THOUSANDS of children are being struck down by a dysentery-type bug sweeping through nursery schools .
13 That 's an area that relied heavily on mining for jobs , and now the coal fields are being shut down , a lot of people are being left without careers .
14 For example , in education it is again pre-school nursery education that has been reduced ; community work projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments , and pioneering psychiatric rehabilitation services are being closed down .
15 Most of the main Honduran forests are being cut down , but the Mosquitia region has been protected by its inaccessibility .
16 The 11 tonne doors are being pulled down , before they fall down .
17 With supplies disrupted , local residents are being forced to forage for for food and fuel ; trees and shrubs are being cut down and endangered species hunted with automatic weapons .
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