Example sentences of "[noun pl] at [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When it was heard that he had been shot in the legs at the time of his arrest , the reporters assured their readers that the general view of the British people was , ‘ A pity they did n't aim a bit higher . ’
2 It may be poetic irony , but I was attending a convention in Hong Kong and working resolutely for the cigarette manufacturers at the time of my infarct .
3 Sometimes we crunched across crystalline ice , or slid tiny steps at a time over glass ice , so we created shiny black footprints in the dusting of snow .
4 Among the local cases , adult women are the majority and those living in their homes at the time of the attack particularly feature .
5 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
6 To make such fraud more difficult a new electoral roll was to be compiled , new voter identification safeguards were to be produced , there was to be access to the electoral commission 's computers at the time of counting , and disputes were to be settled by an electoral court .
7 sanctimonious self-righteous people , from the name given to an extremist religious sect among the Jews at the time of Christ who seemed more concerned with forms and outward observances prescribed by the Law of Moses than with any inward and spiritual meaning .
8 Fishkeepers are reporting finding up to 100 dead frogs at a time in their ponds .
9 The real signs of a healthier economy will only be seen when factories stop closing down , employers start taking on staff , and consumers flock to the shops at a time of year other than the annual pre-Christmas splurge .
10 The same story could be read in an expanded and slightly modified form in the Historiae Philippicae by Trogus Pompeius , a Celt who retailed Massaliote traditions and nostalgias at the time of Augustus .
11 Its Gothic settlers were already far advanced along the road of assimilating the culture and the religion of their Roman subjects at the time of their conversion to Catholicism in the 580s .
12 More usually , therefore , the matching takes place retrospectively by rejection of non-matched subjects at the time of selection of S 1 and S 2 .
13 He had before him the example of the barons of the kingdom who had taken the opportunity to extract from Henry far-reaching legal and financial concessions at the time of his coronation .
14 Approve that the SRO is amended to provide that where a bill is paid by deduction , then either [ i ] if within a three month period following delivery of the bill written objections are made by the entitled third party or client , notice of rights under the SRO should then be given , or [ ii ] the notice of rights under the SRO must be served on all clients and entitled third parties at the time of delivery of the bill .
15 The result reached by Nield , J , is that ‘ rent reserved ’ means ‘ the rent agreed between the parties at the time of the demise ’ .
16 Those who advocated the adoption of leases hoped , by formalising all this , to focus the minds of the parties at the time of entering into the transaction .
17 The test is one test , applied on the factors known to the parties at the time of the breach .
18 It may suit one of the parties at the time of the reference to exploit the uncertainty created by poor drafting , either by delaying matters by a construction summons ( see 8.17.7 ) or by insisting on a particular definition of the issue which is to that party 's advantage .
19 In Shell UK v Lostock Garage Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1187 Lord Denning MR explained what he thought was meant by the proposition that reasonableness is to be considered at the time when the contract is made : If the terms impose a restraint which is unreasonable in the sense that it may work unfairly in circumstances which may reasonably be anticipated , the courts will refuse to enforce the restraint : but it will not hold it to be unenforceable simply because it might work unfairly in certain exceptional circumstances outside the reasonable expectation of the parties at the time of making the agreement .
20 However they decided the case on another basis and Pearson LJ said " it may be said in answer to the possibility of such a reductio ad absurdum , though no doubt , it has to be taken into account , is far from conclusive , because it may involve unlikely hypotheses , which would be outside the reasonable expectations of the parties at the time of the making of the contract of employment " .
21 … there was , of course , a dispute between the parties at the time in question in the sense that they could not agree on the amount of the yearly rent ; but it was not a dispute in which each had formulated a view which was then placed for decision before the independent surveyor .
22 LIFESPAN will now display details for up to 20 Clients at a time in the scrolled area and a message if more Clients are available for viewing .
23 It may be hard to move away from traditional gender roles at a time of unemployment .
24 Although they began to be replaced in the more advanced parts of China by bronze coins by the middle of the first millennium B.C. , they still circulated in some provinces at the time of Marco Polo 's visit during the late thirteenth century .
25 In a lengthy report on his first ten years in office he made much of the fact that , whereas " Russian was scarcely to be heard " in the western provinces at the time of his appointment , it now had " an indisputable primacy " .
26 The data were obtained from Department of Education and Science statistics for education in the United Kingdom ( 1984 ) that included data on the distribution of full-time teachers in maintained secondary schools at the time of my study as shown in Table 6.1 .
27 Charles Booth also made reference to the large-scale absenteeism in London schools at the time of the hop harvest .
28 Tumour recurrence can be the result of incomplete resection of the primary lesion , presence of satellite nodules at the time of primary resection , tumour seeding along needle biopsy track or genuine de novo tumour recurrence .
29 I 'm a social smoker but I can go for months at a time without even thinking about it .
30 For me the most dangerous aspect of the job has been not so much the very real dangers in the field as the psychological vertigo of alternating for months at a time between the utter extremes of the planet ; from the film markets of California 's Hollywood Hills , where I rented an A-frame , to the remotest jungles of the East .
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