Example sentences of "[noun pl] have been use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , the guidelines have been used in other cases as factors to be considered where the statute applies ( see Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd reported by Lawson in ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 933 , at p935 ) .
2 But both Salters 's and Russell 's work in Northern Ireland schools have been used by catholic schools supporters to aid a general principle , also derived from the work of some sociologists of education : namely that schools have little impact on children in terms of their basic values anyway , and one should recognize parents and community environment for the real source of these .
3 The lakes have been used by both industry and farmers as a dumping ground for a variety of potentially toxic chemicals , including polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) and organochlorine insecticides such as dieldrin and DDT .
4 Bound , hard cover books , laboratory notebooks have been used for some time and have a strong pedigree .
5 Segregation and control units have been used for difficult prisoners , especially in women 's prisons .
6 I have heard it suggested that there is some danger that prospective buyers might be put off by the idea that their units have been used in this way .
7 To avoid the waste of pupil time which arises from duplication of teaching in differing phases of schooling when the gap itself creates discontinuity , a variety of organizations have been used by LEAs to make sure that primary and secondary schools make clear to each other , first , what is being provided and later , as achievements and the needs of learning change , to help them to plan together to create a complementary or continuous curriculum between the phases .
8 On the wall is the Soil Association certificate showing that no nasty pesticides have been used on the farm for two years .
9 These tactics have been used by unions in Mexico , where cooptation through the state bureaucracy has taken place as the labour movement is integrated into the organisation of the governing party .
10 One must now question how many times these tactics have been used before or will be used in the future .
11 Statistical methods have been used to automatically deduce the linguistic categories of words from raw data ( Atwell , 1987 ) ( Atwell & Drakos , 1987 ) ( Atwell & Elliot , 1987 ) ( Finch & Carter , 1992 ) .
12 All these methods have been used in nurse education in recent years and reflect the student-centred approaches being adopted by many nurse educators .
13 Cut price classical CDs are n't new but until now they 've either been old recordings or foreign orchestras have been used with relatively obscure performers and conductors .
14 Such chalets have been used in other parts of the country and are also common on the continent .
15 Classic medallion style designs have been used in the ballroom with a section that can be removed to reveal a dance floor between sets of marble pillars .
16 Indeed it is possible to circumvent the argument that the cadavers needed for educational purposes involve substantial extra killing since tissue is regularly collected from abattoirs or from research laboratories where the animals have been used in licensed procedures .
17 The state apparatus is subject to scrutiny and investigation by joint party-state control committees responsible for rooting out inefficiency , red tape , departmentalism , localism , embezzlement and corruption ; and for checking that governrnent funds have been used in ways intended by government policy .
18 The majority of the following questionnaires have been used by other authors for research purposes , so that they are accompanied by some normative data .
19 Through the ages these western seaways have been used as a highway by settlers and saints , pilgrims and pirates and traders and travellers .
20 Some Home Corners have even extended onto split levels or two floors , where raised areas have been used for this purpose .
21 The plants grown as herbs in many countries have been used by the inhabitants because it was , and is , natural to use the materials found in the world around one for food , shelter , health and warmth .
22 In the course of history , many different commodities have been used as money — for example shells , animals and metals .
23 There have been very few cases where microorganisms have been used for in situ removal of chlorinated , or even petroleum compounds , and conventional biological processes are more commonly used .
24 Skeletal element proportions based on total numbers of bones have been used as the basis for Fig. 3.1 comparing two kestrel samples with four barn owl samples .
25 This is the first time the 'chutes have been used in Britain since the fire .
26 While ceilings have been used in the past ( for example , in the late 1960s ) , after the introduction of the Competition and Credit Control System in 1971 , their use was discouraged .
27 It has also been argued that green belts have been used as instruments of preservation rather than conservation , and that insufficient attention has been devoted to positive planning , and to provision for recreational use .
28 3.5 millimetre jack sockets have been used for JK1 and JK2 , but you can obviously use an alternative such as phono sockets or standard jacks , if these will fit in better with other equipment .
29 Additives have been used for hundreds of years , though they were not always known as ‘ additives ’ .
30 In fact there are six , including the background colour , which means that six colours have been used for this design .
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