Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [vb pp] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Companies have taken out a tier of management to save money , appointing financial controllers as directors designate , ’ warns Mr Austin .
2 In fairness , it must be said that the professions have worked out a number of checks and balances to this system , and a common alternative to a percentage fee , hourly rates , can work out as an even more expensive open cheque drawn on the public purse .
3 A number of studies have brought out the bargaining strength of trade unions during the period of near full employment [ Brown , 1981 ] , which enabled them to reinforce long-established work practices which were an incubus on British industry in the form of overmanning .
4 More recently , certain United States government figures have ruled out a settlement which would leave the PDPA as the ‘ backbone of the Kabul Government ’ and they have indicated the unacceptability of the continuation of a ‘ communist front government ’ in Afghanistan .
5 The traffic lights have gone out the middle .
6 Councillors have thrown out a motion calling for a ban on foxhunting on all council owned land .
7 Theologically-minded critics have pointed out the Christian precedents to Wordsworth 's view of Nature .
8 While the Chicago School certainly addressed the expressive order in problematic ways , their critics have thrown out the baby with the bathwater ; misinterpreting or misunderstanding what these sociologists were attempting .
9 The scandals have brought out a rash of new political movements , all of which want Tokyo 's dominance curbed .
10 Many times , Labour Members have pointed out the iniquities of the standard spending assessment , which is based on irrelevant data more than 10 years old .
11 The result would be a deterioration of services in all the ways that my Hon. Friends have pointed out the cleanliness of the buses , the regularity of services and the kind of facilities that are made available to the unemployed , women , the elderly and the disabled .
12 A spokesperson commented that " more than 700 scientists have sent out a clarion call for action , and the USA was the only wealthy country not to make tangible promises " .
13 Poachers have carried out a sustained assault on tigers in the Indian reserve of Ranthambhor , 140 miles south of Delhi .
14 Responsibility for the bomb has been claimed by the IRA and the police have carried out a full investigation .
15 Police have carried out an operation to catch poachers taking part in the illegal sport of hare-coursing .
16 The clever children have worked out a way to milk the system .
17 Yet feminists have pointed out the terms ‘ mankind ’ or man often imply only males .
18 Only recently , Indian organisations such as the Shuar Federation have persuaded the government to grant legal titles to communal Indian land holdings , and in some cases this has been possible only after foreign volunteers have carried out the necessary land surveys .
19 Underground , hidden rivers have carved out an amazing system of caverns , like those of the famous Wookey Hole Caves .
20 A number of commentators have pointed out the inconsistencies in the approaches adopted by SSAPs 15 and 24 .
21 Bomb disposal experts have carried out a series of controlled explosions on a store of Second World War weapons and ammunition .
22 Because of John Major 's Passengers Charter , bosses have ruled out an across-the-board increase from January .
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