Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 When at last he spoke , the words were spat out in sharp interrogation .
2 The words were laid out in a strange manner .
3 He thought it fortunate that improvements in male characteristics were passed on in some measure to women , otherwise the man would have become as superior in mental endowment to women as the peacock is in plumage to the peahen .
4 ‘ An American oddball who , like Jim Jarmusch and Spike Lee , takes a sideways look at his own culture , Whit Stillman has directed a film so sharp and amusing that film-goers were shut out in droves from its many screenings in Cannes .
5 Large squares were laid out in many city centres .
6 The radar signals were sent out in necessarily very powerful pulses , which might have damaged the highly sensitive aerials ( American " antennas ' ) waiting for the faint returning echoes .
7 The steps were carried out in a fume hood subjected to ultraviolet light and hydrochloric acid washes between experiments .
8 Because the slave traders were brought up in the belief that every word of the Holy Bible was inspired by God , they honestly thought that they had divine sanction to enslave blacks .
9 Whether or not as a result of the unease expressed at this meeting , two completely separate organizations were set up in its wake .
10 The time was past ten , kids were wrapped up in their beds , and parents were probably about to retire themselves .
11 Erm most have , in fact most of which is er b er seventy four additional heads were put on in March , so we 've gone from seventeen twenty three to seventeen ninety seven erm and Mick accounted for most of those with forty four .
12 The cars were written off in the accident , but both drivers amazingly walked away with just minor cuts and bruises .
13 Beyond the garden was a fairly busy road , but all the passing drivers were wrapped up in their tin cans , insulated by Christmas drinks and trivial pursuits .
14 Two candidates were put up in each of three boroughs , Bethnal Green , Limehouse , and Shoreditch , for the LCC elections of March 1937 .
15 All subjects were followed up in 1982 .
16 At thirty-two , he was young enough not to look completely haggard , even after thirty-six hours with only the odd hour 's sleep , but his dark hair was plastered to his head and the brown eyes were sunk back in his head and reddened with smoke and exhaustion .
17 On Jan. 3 over 40 holiday homes were blown up in Anghone and Porto Vecchio and a number of occupants taken hostage temporarily , to force the French government into " a true process of decolonization " and to stop Corsica from being taken over by property developers and turned into the " sun-tan centre of Europe " .
18 IT says a lot for the African National Congress in South Africa that , after their supporters were gunned down in cold blood at the beginning of the week , they are still prepared to talk peace .
19 Over 100 homes of Aristide supporters were burnt down in rural areas .
20 His lips were drawn back in a snarl of pain , his skinny white limbs were like a frozen chicken 's .
21 Then , to mark the end of the service , three enormous thunder-flashes were let off in the rear gatehouse .
22 These and their white peers were taken on in times of expansion .
23 Stewart slipped on the wicketkeeping gloves when Russell took a day 's sick leave with a stomach upset , and the final three sessions were played out in the usual no-prospects eeriness , which was heightened by the horrors of the evening before .
24 Working up trials were carried out in the Solent area and we soon found that various modifications were necessary .
25 The two trials were carried out in adjacent populations in West Africa ; one looked in detail at the effect of vitamin A supplementation on morbidity and the other at its effect on mortality .
26 The trials were carried out in a population with xerophthalmia rates that were very close to the threshold used by WHO to define a population as having a xerophthalmia problem of public health significance ( 1% ) ; previously reported studies were done in populations with substantially higher rates of xerophthalmia .
27 In South-west England block and basin limestones and shales and spilitic basic volcanics were laid down in an extensional basin developed at the western end of the Rheno-Hercynian zone .
28 Most spreadsheets were designed back in the days when 640KBytes was the maximum amount of memory that was available .
29 The last time Cuban exiles were allowed back in large numbers , during a goodwill period in the late 1970s , the country nearly collapsed in shock at the wealth they brought in their luggage .
30 The following evaluations were carried out in connection with this programme .
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