Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [vb pp] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Liberal pique over what they felt was inadequate consultation and personal rivalry between the leaders of the parties were seen by some as the most potent causes of the rift , but the official reason which the Liberals , the junior partners in the coalition , gave was their objection to the ending of tax deductions for car commuters and the raising of taxes on petrol and diesel fuel .
2 All the major parties were committed to some extent to discredited policies and persons .
3 Nine out of 10 homes were destroyed in some areas , causing £500 million damage .
4 Mole catchers were employed by some canal companies because of the problems which the animal could cause .
5 Three main reasons were given for the apparent lack of enthusiasm : board members found it difficult to spare additional time for this form of training ; they were doubtful of the ability of outside trainers to provide training in tune with local needs ; attempts by some education authorities to retain part of the training budget in order to supply such area sessions were seen by some members as demonstrating a lack of trust in the board 's ability to organise its own training .
6 Nor is it impossible that bands of laeti or gentiles were settled in some , if not all , during the late fourth century , but unfortunately the relevant chapter of the Notitia Dignitatum , which listed these barbarian recruits to the Roman army in Britain , is missing .
7 Spot checks or random monitoring visits were felt by some societies to hold out more prospect of deterring and detecting fraud than a routine requirement to produce a six-monthly report — a view supported by FIMBRA .
8 Night patrols were started in some rural areas , and they sometimes caught burglars or cattle thieves red-handed .
9 Perhaps the glass plates were treated by some arcane process that froze the light that passed through them ?
10 Although 95 mice were analysed for every marker and are shown in the segregation analysis ( see Figure 6a ) , up to 162 mice were typed for some markers .
11 Inevitably , follow up appointments were given to some extent on a subjective basis according to the laser endoscopist 's previous experience .
12 Fortunes were made by some mine owners and millions of pounds'-worth of lead was taken .
13 Cracks were revealed in some French-manufactured pressure vessels and other parts for PWRs in 1979 and their dangers were publicized by an engineer , Shoja Etemad , who had worked for the company Framatome .
14 The libraries were standardised to some degree .
15 On the expenditure side , subsidies were cut in some areas , most notably fertilizers .
16 Fears were expressed by some of those present that the Government emphasis — and funding — would be concentrated on practical research for which there might be some profitable return rather than on basic research which carried less obvious spin-offs .
17 To an extent , Mr Adair 's fears were reflected by some of the national press after the Report 's publication .
18 All he could remember was that TOWs were shipped at some point ; that ‘ the price asked for the military was twelve million two ’ ; that the aircraft could turn round and abort the delivery if the hostages were not released , which he thought was ‘ a most unusual thing ’ ; and that it was definitely not ‘ the Khomeini ’ with whom he had been doing business .
19 When news of Joni 's book got out , efforts were made in some quarters to postpone its publication , in the hope that certain pages might be cut or toned down .
20 In some senses the short-term aims were realized by some members of the Humanities department .
21 Operational problems were experienced at some of the less well positioned businesses which found it difficult to sustain market share in the current environment .
22 Those who have urged wider activity by select committees were faced with some uncertainty about how MPs would react to this development .
23 In December 1863 he patented a combination of an electromagnetic generator with a magneto-electric exciter , and these machines were made in some numbers by Wilde & Company , but in use they had the disadvantage of becoming very hot .
24 It showed 34 per cent of all trees were damaged to some degree .
25 Though the generals were brought to some sort of obedience by the Cortes and the Regency , in the provinces they used the ‘ egoism ’ of the Juntas and their endless disputes with the relics of the old administration in order to extend their own power .
26 The terms were used in some LEAs to identify children on Statements of Special Educational Needs , and they were adopted by some authors to talk about the curriculum ( Gulliford 1985 ) .
27 Also , Africans were expelled from some of their lands to make way for European settlers who then farmed commercially to sell their produce to the mine workers and other urban dwellers .
28 A common lawyer , as in the 1520s , might seem a better choice than either a noble or a cleric in an office so concerned with the law , but in the early fourteenth century common lawyers were regarded with some suspicion by the king-witness the attempts to get them barred from parliament — and by people whose complaints about the corruption of lay judges were frequent until late in the century .
29 The Cambridge Group for the Study of Population and Social Structure ( CAMPOP ) have shown that in seventy communities where total lists of inhabitants were made at some point between the late sixteenth and the early nineteenth century the proportion of householders who were widowed was about 1:5 ; at Clayworth ( Notts. ) in 1688 it was higher than 1:4 .
30 Miracles were attributed to some saints and special powers to others .
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