Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I always wondered if they were his demons or familiars which could scuttle along the walls to listen for treason and search out conspiracy .
2 Scientific fears are based mainly on suggested risks which might arise from releasing new organisms into the environment , whether they are plants , animals , bacteria or viruses .
3 This difference of perspective and lack of immediate concern with definitions of power and with empiricist rigour result in research methods which may appear to be more approximate in their conclusions than are the pluralists , at least as far as the distribution of power is concerned .
4 Methods which might fall within the ambit of the research are quality management techniques based on agreed standards ( e.g. BS5750 ) , more holistic techniques such as ‘ Total Quality Management ’ , the development of indices of student and employer satisfaction , and the development of qualitative performance indicators ( including value added ) .
5 The steps which will have to be taken are , in my view , so grave , that it becomes a question whether any one party can carry them through , and whether some form of Coalition Government is not imperative to meet the crisis which is rapidly developing .
6 They were organizations which could operate on the one hand on the electorate and on the other on the MPs , thus directly influencing policy .
7 The course will nestle among hills and will boast some of the finest scenery in the country coupled with some ideal golf terrain long flat stretches to hilly parts and natural lakes which could come into play on some holes .
8 The strong glasses needed will give an odd appearance to the eyes which may result in teasing and although the child may see well directly through the glasses , there may be difficulties with the peripheral vision and mobility will have to be watched .
9 However , some animals have developed eyes which can cope with the transition from air to water .
10 Because BT was not restructured or broken down into more manageable units which might compete with one another ( the US solution to their phone giant AT & t ) , competition between giant BT and tiny Mercury is unlikely to constrain BT much .
11 The complex features glass domes which will let in natural sunlight on the two main shopping areas .
12 Smaller minority parties which might come into play include the Welsh and Scottish nationalists — the latter most likely to make a deal with Labour , based on a common ground on economic and social policy .
13 Another person could weep and out of the weeping find memories of strengths which could lead to formulating a treatment plan and a cure .
14 In addition to stimulating the immune systems , high dose treatment causes the release of other hormones which can lead to reversible systemic organ damage .
15 Talk of the ambiguities which may arise in sexual situations is largely irrelevant in a discussion of the rights and wrongs of Morgan .
16 Also the proportion of rods to spinelets varies to the exclusion of spinelets which would lead to confusion with O. densa were it not for the different number of arm spines , the proximal spines forming a fan and the raised oral frame .
17 The state 's function , par excellence , is to manage potential crises which may occur in the economy , in its own fiscal resources , or in the legitimacy of existing social arrangements .
18 I can not remember that particular meeting — nor am I very proud of it — but the point illustrates the sometimes passionate disputes which can erupt during the annual public-spending negotiations .
19 There are also resealing or ‘ antisiphon ’ traps which may have to be fitted on extra-long waste pipes connected to a single-stack drainage system .
20 The class work in small groups to " mould " each other into still images which will function as waxworks or statues in the drama .
21 They like the idea of design shops which might cater for the plentiful supply of individuals with small gardens and several thousand pounds to spend .
22 In Edinburgh at the time , there were various schools which might come under this heading , including the Merchant Company schools which provided a good education originally for children of humble backgrounds , but increasingly for middle-class children .
23 Education authorities should select those schools which will benefit from participation in a Compact .
24 Education authorities should select those schools which will benefit from participation in a Compact .
25 They , for instance , display in self-deportment great tranquillity , or mastery of emotions ; for one of their greatest duties is to create the tranquil relationships which would allow for the work of building community , and therefore for its wealth .
26 Rather than the carpets , curtains and video , this refers to the quality of relationships which should exist between parents and children .
27 The sheep farm ( ‘ they 're not very much trouble ’ ) is a dream come true for Ruscoe , his wife and 15-month-old daughter ; the lucrative staff job with ICL removes the financial worries which can come with life on the land .
28 This means not only avoiding the use of words which might amount to a resignation on your part , but also checking whether words that apparently mean that your job has ended were actually intended to have that effect .
29 There is also a large group of words which can refer to either sex — words like driver and friend ; they are said to have ‘ common gender ’ , and the question of concord is decided in each specific instance ( that is , driver will sometimes be she , other times he ; there is also the problem of the unspecified , generic driver , the appropriate pronoun for whom is a major linguistic headache for today 's speakers ) .
30 Such individuals , who would be described as good readers , are able to use the preceding context to reduce the number of possible words which could occur at the end of the sentence , making use of many sources of information and not relying exclusively upon any one source .
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