Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a remarkable musical full of tuneful songs which give it a romantic and charmingly French flavour .
2 She felt the sudden weight on her legs which told her the cat had leapt up again .
3 Following this they release blood into their eyes which turns them a dull red colour .
4 He was of middle height , well built , possibly in his mid-forties ( though Jane was not much good on ages ) with dark curly hair and slanting eyes which gave him a slightly Slavonic look , though there was not a trace of accent in his speech .
5 The public generally should be equipped with spectacles which give it a clearer and more rounded view of the opportunities for all of an ageing Britain .
6 The argument gains force when applied to boxing where the emphasis shifts to the muscular flexibility and , as manager Terry Lawless put it , the ‘ natural fluidity ’ of black fighters which gives them a distinct edge over their more rigid white counterparts :
7 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
8 He might have shed his Lindbergh-like naivete and enthusiasm for simple solutions which made him an easy prey to authoritarianism and the meretricious appeal of Nazis and fascists .
9 Of course , hypertext is a reality today because of the availability of computer environments which make it a practical possibility .
10 All along its sides the railway is flanked by grass verges and small scrubby bushes which make it an ideal habitat for wild flowers and birds so keep looking for these as you walk along .
11 Consequently there are no cases in our books which show what the appropriate determinate sentence is specifically for that offence .
12 Once the teaching unit has reached the stage of a draft computer program which does what the designer intends , together with associated notes which describe what the program offers and its possible uses in the classroom , we need to consider in more detail how to collect essential information as to what actually happens when the unit is used .
13 Worse still , the new Leeds are as sly and provocative as Don Revie 's sides , with none of the skills which made them the Liverpool of the Seventies .
14 However , these outcomes are contingent upon a supportive infrastructure of values , processes and skills which integrate what the school exists to do with appropriate management strategies which are carried out by individuals with relevant skills and personal qualities .
15 Although it is not primarily vocational , the course provides a valuable training in analytical techniques and writing skills which makes it a valuable preparation for a wide variety of careers , including the media , central and local government , and industrial and commercial management .
16 There are just six fundamental interpersonal skills which give us a process that is equally applicable in ill situations .
17 Each unit of First Class deals with a particular topic and language area and provides a balance of language skills which reflects what the trainee will need a career in tourism .
18 We take in a lot more oxygen , our blood pressure rises and our brains release chemicals called endorphins which give us an immediate high .
19 Even if there never will be any easy answers to such questions , and certainly not ones which could be read off from some kind of ‘ correct analysis ’ , it is still the case that the better informed we are about the complexities which underlie them the quicker we will be able to learn from our mistakes .
20 He was dealing with intelligent men and women , experienced , even if vicariously , in criminal investigation , knowledgeable about police procedure , aware of the rules which governed his every move .
21 In our transit across public places we rely on others recognising the rules which assign us the right to proceed without being inconvenienced by impudent stares or unsolicited conversational openings .
22 A student of mine in a Spenser class which read A Present View suggested it seemed peculiar to be reading a piece by an author commonly hailed as one of the great writers of the English Renaissance putting forward views which makes him a type of war criminal within a twentieth-century perspective .
23 ALTHOUGH the British government would deny ‘ grooming ’ a candidate from within the ranks of its Hong Kong civil service for the job of chief executive after transition in 1997 , it has given John Chan , 46 , a series of fast-track official posts which make him a credible contender for the job .
24 It was all of these factors and experiences which made him an outstanding teacher and a distinguished consultant ( perhaps the only person to be Chairman of the local association of the ICE and IStructE in successive years ) .
25 Futility consists of fourteen lines arranged in two stanzas which makes it a sonnet .
26 Buying the right boots or shoes which give you the most comfortable fit is an absolute must .
27 he said and I got on very well with them , have a chat and I used to help them when they came in they were West Indians which gave everybody a bit of a shock when running a local Spa
28 Despite the exhortations of the British , they were very often reluctant to carry out police duties which brought them no profit .
29 The swiftlets which produce what the Chinese consider the most desirable edible birds ' nests roost in caves beneath these cliffs .
30 Devise a recipe incorporating potatoes which shows what a valuable role they play in a healthy eating regime .
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