Example sentences of "[noun pl] for an [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you two charming ladies , and Herbert here , can persuade your betters to free you from the chains for an hour or two , we 're as good as on our way ! ’
2 Each morning after the bathroom run , the three of us were let off the chains for an hour or so to exercise .
3 However , because of the deeply held pessimism in Whitehall it was considered pointless to make detailed plans for an evacuation that would take place in an atmosphere of panic and confusion ; railway timetables would matter little if bombs were raining down .
4 Leonora clenched her teeth for an instant as her body yielded to his with a fleeting moment of pain , then she relaxed as they lay still for an instant in the very eye of the storm .
5 Four fire engines two from Granagetown and two from Middlesbrough fought the flames for an hour before the blaze was under control .
6 The 100 Group of finance directors is concerned at the Accounting Standards Board 's proposals for an Operating and Financial Review .
7 The ASB still takes the view that appropriate disclosures of this kind can assist users of financial statements , but in the light of the responses to FRED 1 concluded that the concept can best be developed within the ASB 's proposals for an Operating and Financial Review to support a company 's annual report — ie as part of a wider discussion of a company 's performance .
8 The landlord will frequently require a guarantor or guarantors for an assignee and while the tenant may wish to have absolute control as to whether this is reasonable , the fact is that as the tenant will have a continuing liability throughout the lease , it is in the tenant 's best interests for the assignee to supply a guarantor or guarantors wherever there may be some doubt as to the quality of the assignee 's financial covenant .
9 He stared at her , sudden heat in his eyes for an instant before the shuttering lashes came down to hide it .
10 When pressed by journalists for an assurance that Koko is Nigeria 's only dump , the irritated Minister for Works and Housing snaps , ‘ I can not confirm that Koko is the only dump .
11 Mr Beggs said a number of Southern politicians support his demands for an inquiry and he hoped the issue would be raised when the Dail resumes again in October .
12 Next day a joyrider who drove his dad 's car 31 blocks for an hour and a half was locked up in a psychiatric hospital .
13 For example , when grandparents look after their young grandchildren for an evening or for a week , are they helping the children or their parents ?
14 David and Julia and the other court personnel had been in their appointed seats for an hour and a half before the proceedings began .
15 Opposition leaders increased pressure in recent weeks for an election and demanded that the government hold up until then ratification of NAFTA .
16 After all , as Deborah Hutton , health editor of Vogue , put it : ‘ If you 're the sort of person who frowns , even if you do wear these things for an hour while you exercise , you 'll carry on frowning for the rest of the day after you 've taken them off . ’
17 Building conservation is environmentally friendly ; it is a way of using existing resources for an end-product that is unique and irreplaceable .
18 He studied the prints for an hour and identified forty non-human particles .
19 On May 8 Sami Abdul-Rahman , a member of the delegation [ see p. 38127 ] , said that " the talks [ were ] going on in a positive spirit " , although questions relating to international guarantees for an accord and Kurdish control over the oil-producing town of Kirkuk remained unresolved .
20 We have seen how a conversation between a sergeant and a private might proceed by reference to each of the felicity conditions for an order and a challenge to each of them in turn , before becoming more explicit with the use of a direct order and an outright refusal .
21 And you can buy the programs as off-the-shelf , packaged programs for relatively little money , perhaps a hundred or two hundred pounds a packaged program , so you might pay perhaps two or three hundred pounds for a stock control program , two or three hundred pounds for an invoicing or sales ledger program .
22 We drove round in circles for an hour and now we 're back in the Butcher Building .
23 The revenue investment proposals , the area of biggest concern for commentators , were dropped from FRED 1 when it became clear that there was virtually no support for them — a watered-down version of the proposals subsequently appeared in a discussion draft , putting forward the ASB 's suggestions for an Operating and Financial Review .
24 It is clear that , on the most fundamental level , the ability to substitute a thought conveyed in linguistic terms for an action or a thing is an absolutely basic ingredient of the ego 's functioning : it is the key to the ego 's ability to distance itself from the immediate demands of the id and its drives and to evolve higher , more abstract thought-processes than those available to an animal , no matter how intelligent , which lacks the power of speech .
25 A vast bulk of political time was taken up with the importunacy of subjects : petitions for an office or a wardship or a lease of Crown land ; begging letters for pensions ; suits for a pardon ; requests for the Crown 's help in a law-case .
26 The routine at Aubagne was the same every day ; we got up at 4.30 am , washed , shaved and paraded outside before a breakfast of coffee and bread in the main cookhouse ; then we cleaned the barrack rooms for an hour and paraded again at 7.30 am for the allocation of the day 's duties .
27 Surely I could forget my surroundings for an hour and a half .
28 One more pair of hands for an hour or two a week can be a godsend for this very worthwhile and rewarding ‘ back bone ’ work .
29 And so they sat with clammy hands for an hour and a half and let go only when the lights came back on .
30 Many 's the time I 've been about to introduce the top of the bill , when from behind the curtain the urgent whisper , ‘ He 's pissed — fill in while we sober him up , ’ has stopped me in my tracks and left me out there telling gags for an hour or more while the star is force-fed black coffee .
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