Example sentences of "[noun pl] for an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Various more or less precise suggestions as to the structure of such a federation were put forward by different writers in the earlier years of this period — by the Quaker William Penn in his Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe ( 1693 ) , by another Quaker , John Bellers , in his Some Reasons for an European State ( London , 1710 ) , by the author of the anonymous Cardinal Alberoni 's Scheme for reducing the Turkish Empire to the Obedience of Christian Princes ( London , 1736 ) and by Saint-Pierre himself .
2 Thus in university towns and cities , there is often comparatively little gonorrhoea compared with the large urban areas , where shifting populations seem to be one of the reasons for an increased prevalence of the venereal diseases .
3 There are two reasons for an inadequate performance .
4 There is no step which he is prepared to call rational from the factual supporting reasons for an ethical conclusion , to that conclusion .
5 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
6 Having sifted through the views of countless organizations , through its technical appraisals , through computer assessments , it had concluded that there were just two places where it would pursue its investigations for an underground dump .
7 Deadwood prospered and Costner was befriended by locals until they discovered he had drawn up plans for an 800-room hotel and conference centre nearby .
8 They had plans for an international centre , with a strong educational bias like the centre Mondial , to be sponsored by MIT and Harvard University .
9 As the US and the Soviet Union discuss disarmament in Geneva the two super-powers continue to oppose plans for an international agency that would give other nations a look-in on their military manoeuvres .
10 Despite the many problems which still faced the proposal to introduce an EC-wide company charter , the Commission defused some of the more acrimonious disputes surrounding company taxation , when it agreed in April 1990 to drop plans for an EC-wide system of personal and corporation tax , in favour of a policy of co-ordinating the various existing systems .
11 ‘ No I 'm not , ’ Elaine stated , destroying Francis 's plans for an impromptu picnic .
12 This galvanised the National Agent , R. T. Windle , into making plans for an individual membership campaign early in 1944 ; and it led to the executive summoning a conference of trade union officers so as to encourage them to contribute to a general election fund and to increase the proportion of their contracting-in membership — which was much less than half the total membership they reported to the Trades Union Congress .
13 ( Government plans for an electoral law which would ban foreign financial support for parties in the elections were also criticized in both East and West Germany .
14 Yesterday the EC Commissioner for External Affairs , Mr Frans Andriessen , unveiled plans for an 18-nation body comprising the community and the European Free Trade Association to run the new ‘ European economic space ’ , which East European countries could join as they reformed .
15 Plans for an historic ban on mining in the Antarctic were shattered by the US refusing to sign the treaty at the last moment .
16 Jim Murphy , president of the National Union of Students Scotland , said that delegates to the union 's annual meeting are expected to endorse plans for an escalating campaign against proposals to force students to pay individual levies to support campus associations .
17 The decision effectively kills off plans for an open-pit copper and gold mine , the US$430 million Windy Craggy project .
18 In the aftermath of the violent suppression of anti-communist demonstrators in June 1990 , the European Communities ( EC ) suspended plans for an economic co-operation agreement which would have given Romania trade benefits and access to EC markets .
19 Racing : Muddle concept gains ground : JOHN KARTER reports on plans for an all-weather race track coming to fruition
20 It has plans for an industrial policy the Tories do n't appear to have one and has modelled its industrial manifesto on the demands of the CBI , the Tories traditional bedfellows .
21 The first of these press reports , in the Johannesburg Sunday Times , said that the Dec. 17 meeting had discussed plans for an all-party conference early in 1991 , to set the agenda for constitutional negotiations .
22 In the main , the competition looks to be well ahead of Informix already , though its plans for an open repository complete with APIs , may take it beyond what others can offer .
23 In its first official comment on Aug. 20 Iraq denounced Western plans for an aerial exclusion zone as an " imperialist conspiracy " aimed at dismembering the country , and claimed that the scheme had been devised with the active co-operation of Iran [ see also below ] .
24 It would be preferable to the plans for an ugly toll bridge .
25 PLANS for an extra-smoochy end to nights out at a Darlington bar and nightclub were turned down yesterday .
26 Crawford played Battersea Bats leader Peter Toms , complete with short trousers , who throws out one of his members , ‘ Foureyes ’ Fulton , blaming him when their plans for an exceptional car are stolen by Victoria Victors leader Lew Lender .
27 CREGGAN Historical Society has announced plans for an ecumenical service next Sunday at Creggan Parish Church near Crossmaglen .
28 Plans for an Indo-Russian venture to manufacture and export tanks and aircraft to the Third World , anticipated during a recent visit by the Russian State Secretary Gennady Burbulis [ see p. 38914 ] , were confirmed on June 16 by Russia 's ambassador to India , Anatoly Drukov .
29 Denis Healey once saved a fortune by rubbing out plans for an imaginary airport in the Thames estuary .
30 The audience began to trickle away as he told a series of long , rambling stories to which he forgot the punchlines , conducted a hesitant affair with somebody else 's wife , and announced half-baked plans for an ideal world .
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