Example sentences of "[noun pl] for the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Small investors will pay less than institutions for the first instalment though how much less will not be known until June 29 after the international offer closes .
2 Small investors will pay less than institutions for the first instalment , although how much less will not be known until June 29 after the international offer closes .
3 They arrange crews , sailing one per three beginners for the first week ; for the second week they coach on request .
4 By mid-1966 unemployment in Germany exceeded vacancies for the first time since 1959 .
5 All that we have available is the notes for the first part of the introduction , written , presumably , in the spring , and consisting of a highly condensed discussion of Greek tragedy and its development .
6 For example , it was pointed out to me that some teachers were making lesson notes for the first time in years !
7 Earlier , as the government and ANC took steps at the weekend to prepare for South Africa 's first all-race elections , President FW de Klerk gave cabinet posts to non-whites for the first time in South Africa 's history and got rid of white ministers said to be reluctant to back his sweeping apartheid reforms .
8 While they are carefully listed , there is not enough to get their flavour Franklin lived many lives : that of scientist investigating electrical phenomena for the first time , lobbyist for the new born United States in London , and gun runner for the infant
9 The accounts for the first year indicated quite clearly the recognition of the social divisions which existed at the time .
10 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
11 The number of boys fluctuated around 100 , but the School at last seemed to have become viable , a credit balance appearing in the accounts for the first time .
12 The General Post Office appears in the accounts for the first time .
13 You mentioned the accounts of the Maxwell Charitable Trust as having five hundred thousand of assets , I saw those accounts for the first time the other day and I found that they had five hundred and one thousand of assets of which er five hundred thousand consisted of a a purely hypothetical transfer of an asset from a Liechtenstein trust to the U K trust and that asset had no valuation done on it as far as I can make out a and no reference to any valuation appeared in the accounts , so we actually had B I M apparently owned by a charitable trust on the face of it with figures of five hundred and one thousand of assets , but in practical accounting terms and valuation terms , no evidence that those five hundred and one thousand pounds er of assets had any valuation approaching that figure .
14 Then , on 20 June , the Germans for the first time employed a new type of diphosgene gas shell .
15 The offence is in outline very similar to the pre-existing offence under the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5A , although it adds ‘ behaviour ’ to the list of proscribed activities for the first time .
16 Some of these activities related to institutional developments ( for example , on diversification ) , others to new ways of approaching familiar ground ( for example , on school experience ) , others to new approaches to the packaging of knowledge and its applications ( for example , a conference on communication studies held in 1978 ) , others to the representation of existing activities for the first time in higher education ( for example , in the creative and performing arts ) , and yet others on the mechanics of the CNAA 's own work in validating courses and seeking to assure standards ( for example , a conference on the role of external examiners held in October 1978 ) .
17 DID YOU notice the unusual , if not unique , feature of the scorecards for the first Test between England and New Zealand at Christchurch ?
18 In the depth of the recession , with the motor industry suffering more than most , Rover is introducing night shifts for the first time in three years .
19 The Metropolitan Borough of Wigan has been sufficiently impressed with the results so far to finance the printing of enough copies for the first year pupils of three comprehensive schools beginning in September 1985 .
20 ‘ Heavens no , ’ agreed Julia , thinking about the Easter plans for the first time that evening .
21 TEETHING troubles with America 's second space shuttle , Challenger , could disrupt plans for the first flight of Europe 's Spacelab this autumn .
22 Many hundreds of thousands of trade unionists were among those who became shareholders for the first time .
23 Large areas of western Scotland , mid- and North Wales and the upland zones of the North and South West of England have exhibited population gains , in some cases for the first time in over a century .
24 In the event of trouble , many of the non-union operators now would have easier access — in some cases for the first time — to the political system and its protective police arm .
25 The right of an employee inventor to claim statutory compensation from his employer has recently been asserted before the courts for the first time in a series of three reported cases emanating from the Comptroller of Patents and the Patents Court .
26 To use the army as strike-breakers for the first time since Franco ( and Spain 's universally detested military service would have caused some intersting tests of loyalty ) would have provoked a confrontation with an unclear outcome for both sides .
27 This established licensing hours for the first time , and put brewers on the defensive .
28 Confronting explicitly collectivist opponents for the first time , the Conservative party , so Fforde contends , stressed the values of the free market , turned to the classical economists to justify non-intervention , and revealed themselves to be doctrinally committed to individualism .
29 He had on his new black cords for the first time ( they were a Christmas present from his mother .
30 She noticed his teeth for the first time : small and irregular , like pieces of gravel on a driveway , but sparkling white .
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