Example sentences of "[noun pl] for [art] time [be] " in BNC.

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1 It believes the two will operate as hostile , parallel technologies for the time being , but anticipates some kind of interoperability between them in future .
2 The regents were nevertheless compelled to accept these verdicts for the time being .
3 As a sign of the future , Ernest Bevin , Minister of Labour , and one of the senior Labour Party ministers , said his party had rather different views on the matter , but would accept the general proposals for the time being .
4 But , subject to considerable restrictions on the furtherance of political objects , a Trade Union is empowered by Statute since 1913 to devote its funds to any lawful objects authorized by its rules for the time being .
5 Forget any invertebrates for the time being .
6 LCH has discretion under reg 12 to require a clearing member " to furnish it with cover " in respect of all contracts for the time being registered in his name .
7 ‘ Keep my products for the time being , will you ? ’
8 These Ecotech-approved products will be marketed alongside existing products for the time being .
9 Tivoli will continue to develop the framework alongside solutions for the time being .
10 Okay Colin , thanks for the time being .
11 That was the end of their aspirations for the time being — and the end of that romantic notion of one final Lord 's appearance for IVA .
12 But it seemed as if Bert 's job , possibly conveniently , prevented him from coming anywhere near Four Winds for the time being .
13 What was interesting was that , while the hero of the hour was still in a back room , under wraps for the time being like his likeness in oils , the conversation was taking place only inches away from the player whose last-minute goal in ‘ 66 guaranteed that the Jules Rimet trophy was coming to England .
14 JUDGE William Crawford , 55 , who kissed a woman usher in chambers , has been told not to resume duties for the time being .
15 In these Articles , the expression ‘ the Directors ’ means the directors for the time being of the Company or ( as the context shall require ) any of them acting as the Board of Directors of the Company .
16 In these Articles , the expression ‘ the Directors ’ means the directors for the time being of the Company or ( as the context shall require ) any of them acting as the Board of Directors of the Company .
17 Let us leave such vexatious matters for the time being . ’
18 He seemed to have resolved his sexual hang-ups for the time being and was content with his lonely existence .
19 In the interim , as an earnest of the importance that we attach to this matter , my Department has today issued article 14 directions to prevent the county councils from granting permission for the applications for the time being .
20 Subject to that obligation , the LTE was under a duty to exercise and perform its functions , in accordance with principles laid down or approved by the GLC , in such manner as , and with due regard to efficiency , economy and safety of operation , to provide or secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as best met the needs for the time being of Greater London ( section 5 ) .
21 ‘ Take them off and let's get them dry , you can borrow my slippers for the time being .
22 Leaving aside the question of costs for the time being , what kind of problems will a government anxious to promote positive discrimination policies have to face ?
23 However , Kohl favoured the retention of a token presence in Germany by the three Western allies for the time being .
24 Fortunately East–West tensions had lessened sufficiently in Europe for the allies to live with these unresolved questions for the time being .
25 Well we 're probably alright for the other things for the time being , but we may need about the the Weber erm .
26 In time of war , persons for the time being residing or doing business in an enemy country , whatever their nationality or domicile , are disabled from suing in the English Courts ; but , if sued here , they will so far as possible be given an opportunity of defending themselves .
27 In the late fifth-century Babylonian satrapy ‘ bow land ’ and ‘ chariot land ’ were given away on condition that the owners for the time being paid for soldiers or cavalry .
28 By s. 259 of a private Act of Parliament of 1836 setting up the railway line , it was provided that , if a line should be abandoned , the lands acquired for the track should vest in the owners for the time being of the adjoining lands .
29 If the Carrier agrees to accept Dangerous Goods for carriage such goods must be accompanied by a full declaration of their nature and contents and be properly and safely packed and labelled in accordance with any statutory regulations for the time being in force for carriage by road .
30 She has recently completed the Science Foundation Course of the Open University , but has had to postpone further study in the sciences for the time being because changes in Modern Language teaching at the Sixth Form College where she works have consumed so much of her time and energy .
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