Example sentences of "[noun pl] is [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Three Musketeers is the best book I 've ever read … ‘
2 Nonetheless the reduction of health risks is the prime benefit once the nicotine addiction is in recovery .
3 Disability arts is a circuitous route to the inclusion of Disabled people in mainstream arts and wider society .
4 More fundamentally , the insistence that science and technology are linked together and that schools must concentrate on science at the expense of the arts is a long-term weakness of the scheme .
5 Now to many people community arts is a red rag to a bull because there is the feeling that a lot of these things start off quite splendidly as voluntary organizations , and suddenly they 've got their fingers in the public purse .
6 More recently we have come to see that the concept of science or arts is a social construction ; as Michael Young has argued :
7 The Foundation for Sport and the Arts is an independent trust which decides the allocation of its own funds .
8 The Open College of the Arts is an educational trust .
9 Beating the Bounds is a public gesture , not a quaint old ritual .
10 This representative , beautifully chosen collection of Faure songs is the first issue to appear since her announcement , and it whets the appetite for many more .
11 The second basis for our natural incredulity about the evolution of very complex organs like human eyes and bat ears is an intuitive application of probability theory .
12 The prison officer using his eyes and ears is the first security patrol .
13 A thorough and systematic evaluation of the kinds of support which have passed between kin over the past two centuries is a separate project in its own right .
14 Between her spraddled legs is a yellow gingham tea towel on which are laid two red cups and saucers , both containing water , and two plates with Smarties and hundreds-and-thousands on .
15 It 's simply that six legs is the smallest number of legs you can have such that you can take exactly half of them off the ground and not fall over .
16 CHASING the demons is a favourite pastime for grunge rockers Levitation .
17 ( A favourite way of disposing of demons is the same trick as is used to deal with miracles : assign them to the New Testament era , where they can do no harm or cause any embarrassment . )
18 The exciting news for Brother punchcard fans is the recent introduction of the brand new KH864 knitting machine .
19 An important side effect of longterm octreotide treatment with intermittent injections is a high incidence , up to 50% , of gall stone formation during one year of treatment .
20 Another company that uses traditional farming methods is The Real Meat Company which has shops in Bath , and Chelsea and St John 's Wood , London , as well as a national home delivery service .
21 The inability of many African countries to sustain large-scale routine screening for gonorrhoea with conventional methods is the main obstacle to antenatal screening for the infection .
22 Screening high risk individuals by colonoscopic methods is an established procedure , but identification is crude except for those few families with hereditary colorectal cancer .
23 Good external lighting with heat sensors is a different matter , and one to be commended — the Electricity Board or an NICEIC contractor will fit these for you .
24 Flightlines is the official magazine of the Canadian Warplane Heritage ( CWH ) , based at Hamilton , Ontario .
25 The US scientist Ronald Bracewell seems to have been the first to have suggested that sending or listening for radio signals is a haphazard business and almost certainly doomed to failure , because the task of covering the millions of ‘ likely ’ stars is well-nigh impossible .
26 However , the termination of overdrafts is a painful process .
27 A goat that produces no kids is an evolutionary failure .
28 Class Readers is a comprehensive collection of activities offering practical advice and suggestions on how to exploit class readers to promote language and to develop both perceptive and literary skills .
29 The co-operation between the UK and Australian clearinghouses in the area of their databases is a good example , and current support by the UK clearinghouse for several continental European clearinghouses , shows the potential .
30 According to Mr Gorman , one of the main grievances is the minimal redundancy packages given to the 67 Albion workers who were sacked two weeks ago : ‘ We will be pushing the case for adequate recompense for workers who lost their jobs .
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