Example sentences of "[noun pl] it be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 For centuries it was ordained that , despite the evidence , everything in the Universe circled the Earth : a number of people were put to death because they happened to disagree .
2 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
3 In one study of a small group of wrist-slashers it was found that more than half were well , or had shown improvement , 5–6 years later ( Nelson and Grunebaum 1971 ) .
4 As it happens , in the early days of computers it was thought that it would be only a few years before computers would be able to understand natural language .
5 From these relationships it was established that total leakages ( T + S + M ) must equal total injections ( G + I + X ) .
6 In other words it is said that a verdict of death aggravated by lack of care may be appropriate once there is an inquest but the availability of such a verdict does not determine the question whether or not there should be an inquest .
7 In other words it is assumed that the difficulty of the item will be the same for any individual irrespective of his or her previous learning experiences etc .
8 In other words it was recognised that community care is not necessarily , and not for ail , a cheaper form of care .
9 When considering a whole range of variables it is found that those social characteristics indicative of a low position of wealth or status do not appear among persons treated as criminal more often than one would expect from their proportion among the general population .
10 ( After discussion with staff in schools it was agreed that the checklist was an inappropriate means of analysis for a satirical fable such as Animal Farm . )
11 At the end of four months it was discovered that he was only just sixteen .
12 In mid-1974 he developed phlebitis — inflammation of the veins — and within months it was revealed that he had a thrombosis which could have killed him in seconds .
13 In other academic areas it is assumed that the teacher knows more than the student , and is there to convey this knowledge , whether as a corpus or a skill .
14 In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply .
15 In some areas it was reported that large numbers of troops had ben deployed to restore order .
16 Lloyd 's Underwriters , where despite the opposition of the defendants it was ordered that the taking of depositions before an examiner of the court should , as had been requested by the foreign court , be videotaped .
17 In a comparison between blocking and non-blocking strains of mice it was shown that the potential of embryos to arrest at the 2-cell stage is determined solely by the genotype of the egg and occurs irrespective of the paternal or embryonic contribution ( 18 ) .
18 In five of the six companies it was found that the planning department could be involved in special projects on an ad hoc basis .
19 In most of the early work on quantity constrained models it was assumed that any observed general unemployment had to be either classical or Keynesian but not both at the same time .
20 Thus , in Hanson v. Church Commissioners it was held that where the matter was one in which there was a wider public interest it may not be possible for one party to withdraw without the assent of the other once the proceedings were begun .
21 There is thus a slight caveat on the point but subject to exceptional circumstances it is felt that taxpayers can now safely assume that income arising in an underlying company which is owned by the overseas trust can not be caught by Part XV of TA 1988 .
22 For four decades it was supposed that Hicks 's model contained all of the basic ingredients of the General Theory approach to the theory of employment .
23 Are those empirical credentials sufficient , however , to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have ?
24 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
25 As the days passed , hope faded of finding John Brown alive and after 14 days it was agreed that there was no urgency as the search was only to find his body for Christian burial .
26 Despite these serious reservations it was recognized that there was some good academic work being done .
27 The opinions of staff and governors were sought and although there were some reservations it was decided that a questionnaire should be distributed to parents .
28 In place of the attempt to produce a synthetic totalising definition of classes it was argued that an analysis which respects the specificity of economic class relations ( defined at the level of property-holding ) , social collectivities and political forces is likely to be more fruitful .
29 Although the French waterlily hybridiser Joseph Latour Marliac concentrated on producing hardy varieties it is believed that he used the semi tropical waterlily N. mexicana to create some of the popular varieties available today .
30 With the increasing sophistication and scale of warehouse buildings it is suggested that they should be looked at in depth at the earliest planning stage when they are able to exert their proper influence on construction and design .
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