Example sentences of "[noun pl] to the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When we were messing around last year , we were playing the same songs to the same music biz people , ’ asserts softly-spoken guitarist Bernard Butler , softly .
2 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
3 One has the sense that he himself was beached there and that one of his comforts lay in writing out his fears in order to bring his readers to the same sands where he lay struggling for air .
4 But , even if you do n't know anything about the deeper workings , you can apply some common sense guidelines to the same effect .
5 The eclecticism of the mid-nineteenth-century architects was of two types : either they applied different styles to different buildings , as did Burn or the Barrys , or they applied motifs derived from different styles to the same building and so produced an original design .
6 If a State concludes a treaty that conflicts with its obligations under an earlier treaty , other parties to the former treaty ( although third parties to the subsequent one ) can regard that State as remaining bound by its commitments to them .
7 In Oscar Chinn Judge Schucking thought that parties to a treaty which had placed restrictions upon conflicting treaties concluded by less than the full complement of parties to the former treaty , could regard as invalid a subsequent treaty concluded by a minority to the first treaty .
8 This liability benefits only the immediate purchaser from the manufacturer , because liability for breach of contract exists only between parties to the same contract .
9 For this purpose lenders should be considered to be part of the same group if they are parties to the same agreement or course of dealing , even if it is not always the same members of the group who participate in individual financings entered into under that agreement or course of dealing .
10 This problem does not affect all third parties to the same extent since the problem of " wasted votes " bears heavily on those parties whose support is spread across the country as opposed to those whose support is regionally concentrated .
11 It would now be an act of political madness further to raise them to support the pound ( as indeed it would be to sacrifice more of our reserves to the same purpose ) .
12 With their emphasis more on the location of the work than on its precise nature , support teachers have evolved their own solutions to the many questions about support teaching for which there are as yet no generally accepted answers .
13 It was very much done on a sort of personal basis , an individual basis , failing to look at any collective solutions to the many problems which women face .
14 As we all know from personal experience , intellect will often come up with two very different solutions to the same problem in two different individuals , or even in the same individual on two different occasions .
15 But the devolopers face an uphill struggle ; no thanks to the former prisoners .
16 They are not difficult to deal with , thanks to the many tracks on the market which can be bent to fit the shape .
17 Both Societies would like to express their thanks to the many people who loaned exhibits or gave their time helping to organise the events and providing refreshments .
18 We would also like to record our thanks to the many people who have covenanted in previous years and whose names have appeared in earlier Reports .
19 Sir , — May I offer my sincere thanks to the many voters who so successfully supported the candidacy of Gerald Malone in Alton , Holybourne , Chawton and Beech .
20 " And he 's dead now — thanks to the same organization , " Katherine said , bitterness like bile in her throat .
21 You can pass a mix of string an numeric parameters to the same procedure or function and a function can return either a string or numeric value , irrespective of the type of parameters passed to it .
22 It had become clear to the garrison that not only did the doctors sometimes apply different remedies to the same illness , in certain cases these remedies were diametrically opposed to each other .
23 ‘ People no longer live in communities to the same extent .
24 Because individuals vary , their responses to the same stress or insult may also vary , which means that treatment has to be prescribed specifically for that patient .
25 Such behaviour may depend at least partly on the teacher 's skill in setting up situations which will elicit the best from each child : most people are shy in some situations and confident in others , and different people 's responses to the same situation may vary sharply .
26 Individual responses in a class test were compared with responses to the same items presented in an interview : many were found to differ .
27 use the handle of the club hammer to bring blocks to the same height
28 And I think if we could make it get one of the Uttlesford chaps to the same meeting
29 If it is practicable to make repeated visits to the same site over a period of months or years a programme of capture/mark/release and recapture will add a further dimension to the whole range of topics available .
30 They acknowledged that if emancipation were eventually to come it would require the moral progress and demographic increase consequent upon a conscious policy of a more equal sex ratio amongst slaves ; education and religious instruction ; the reorganisation of the work of the slaves to provide a progressive increase in the time devoted to autonomous labour from which earnings could be directed to self-purchase ; possibly too recognition of obligations to the former master even after the date of legal emancipation .
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