Example sentences of "[noun pl] to [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Consideration of funding in relation to population distribution and the needs of the region seems to indicate a low and decreasing ratio of support from South East Arts to those areas of North Kent which can generally recognized as the Medway area .
2 Though canine distemper virus transcripts ( and in one case measles virus also ) have been isolated from pagetic tissue , these data must be interpreted with caution in view of the possibility of external contamination , since the same group had previously worked with probes to both viruses during earlier in situ hybridisation studies .
3 The Inquisition was an ineffective irritant , slow and erratic in its procedures ; it merely put up the price of books , forcing readers to all sorts of subterfuges in order to consume often out-dated heresies .
4 Greyfriars is out of bounds to all pupils at all times .
5 The reaction of the Jews to these vicissitudes of fortune was profound .
6 As the surface approaches infinity ( b ) , the distances from the two eyes to all squares on the surface become more similar and thus the perspective views become identical .
7 But the edict from Bernard Lapasset aimed at breaking-up and scattering England supporters to all corners of the Parc des Princes was plain barmy .
8 There are attractions to some anthropologists in thinking in a completely different way from Freud about totemism .
9 The new updated and revised edition of this bestselling home-reference book includes solutions to all kinds of problems from negotiating a mortgage to planting a garden , based on the author 's own experiences .
10 Some courses examine classical solutions to these problems from the history of social and political thought or draw on recent debates between contemporary political theorists .
11 It is thanks to these men of ability and vision that the deaf communities in Britain became so well established and respected , and that the deaf communities were drawn together into a national movement which after a false start exists to this day in the British Deaf Association .
12 Mr Yeltsin flies out of Heathrow for Budapest today after talks with Labour leader John Smith , lunch at Buckingham Palace and speeches to both houses of Parliament .
13 In 1951 , two medical statisticians ( Doll and Bradford-Hill ) sent questionnaires to all doctors in the UK and received 40 000 replies ( a two-thirds response rate ) giving details of age , eating and exercise habits and , almost incidentally , smoking habits .
14 In the first place there were many local and idiosyncratic variations : the uses of the bishopric of Sarum were different from those of Canterbury , the allegiance of certain chroniclers to some saints above others , and the preferences of certain abbeys for certain saints .
15 The modern janitor is given that title for having the keys to all doors in a building .
16 Few children live close to these work sites ( and , obviously , none offshore ) , but the regular home visits of these workers might occasion indirect exposure of their home communities to any effects of the mixing in those unusual worksites .
17 Guests will be lawful visitors to those parts of the hotel to which they have been invited , i.e. all public rooms ( lounge , reception , restaurant ) , their bedrooms , conveniences , etc. provided for guests ' use .
18 Where the property is to be transferred subject to a mortgage , or where a new mortgage is to be created , it will be necessary to obtain consents to such transactions from any occupants of the property aged eighteen years or over ( following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) .
19 But this large number of peptides would have prevented comparison of responses to all peptides in the same individual , unless very large blood volumes were donated .
20 Her responses to all questions by the parents were criticised by them as ‘ text-book jargon ’ .
21 Fan letters , fanzines and the many SF conventions around the world can be seen as responses to such experiences of reading SF .
22 I have certain responses to these things in that …
23 Statutory consultation is expected later this year after receipt of responses to these proposals from purchasers , providers , and professional bodies .
24 Clearly there are problems in interpreting responses to these types of questions .
25 Dr Wilder Penfield discovered that , by touching a specific part of the brain with a mild electric current passed through a probe , he could reactivate memories and responses to these events in his patients .
26 We said earlier that CDs brought clear advantages to both sides of the market .
27 Specifically , it was to be suggested that he should embark upon an immediate programme of visits to all parts of Vietnam making numerous speeches and public appearances in the process .
28 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country and very much hope to include Derbyshire .
29 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country and hope to include Liverpool in them .
30 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country and very much hope to visit the Edinburgh area again before too long .
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