Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Avoiding getting both legs in the same hole takes great concentration !
2 Some graphics files use one method or the other exclusively , others can mix the two methods in the same file :
3 There were 3488 illnesses related to pesticides in the same period .
4 VHS hi-fi stereo sound , unlike VHS mono , is encoded at high speed along with the picture signals in the same way as Video 8 hi-fi , and hence has the same high standard of audio quality .
5 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
6 Kids in the same class at school .
7 Make the other tentacles in the same way , varying the direction of the curve so that when assembled the tentacles branch out at different angles .
8 The XA/R Series Model 300 , introduced last October , and the Model 305 can be field upgraded from fault-tolerant uniprocessors to symmetric multi-processors in the same cabinet .
9 The first office he is known to have held ( in 1256 ) was the purely local one of coroner and in 1258 he was one of the four Shropshire knights appointed to investigate grievances in the same county under the Provisions of Oxford .
10 Thus it is an evident advance on a mere empirical listing of successive ‘ movements ’ or ‘ isms ’ , which then moves away to an unlocated discussion of ‘ styles ’ , to attempt to identify two factors : the internal organization of the particular formation ; and its proposed and actual relations to other organizations in the same field and to society more generally .
11 Two national surveys of District General Managers ( DGMs ) were carried out in November 1990 and January 1992 , paralleled by surveys of all acute providers in the West Midlands Region with more intensive study of four case study districts in the same region ( Appleby et al.
12 Gainers may specify shorter maximum waiting times for their patients and be prepared to pay for new and expensive developments , which patients from loser districts in the same hospital could be denied .
13 The truth is , I look upon both candidates in the same light , and should think myself a traitor to the constitution of my country if I voted for either .
14 Correspondingly , between two candidates in the same batch there exists ( at most ) a weak preference ; the reasoner can choose either , and focusing criteria will only determine the choice , if at all , when the reasoner expresses no preference .
15 And that 's one stage closer to seeing animals in the same way . ’
17 these would soon be extinct if zoos could not offer protection to animals in the same situation .
18 The decision that the glasshouse should be demolished has been taken by Tewkesbury Borough Council , criticised in the past for their decision to ALLOW the building of domed sports halls in the same location
19 For example , in schools where all the teachers followed guidelines in the same way , the impact was positive .
20 ( Not all companies enforced these ties in the same way , however .
21 If the examiner has exercised his fancy by using fictitious names , like Tomkins , you are perfectly entitled to abbreviate them to the initial letter — unless , of course , two parties in the same problem have the same initial letter .
22 In fact , their necks are so mobile that they can keep their heads in the same position while a branch sways in the breeze underneath them .
23 The fact that Laidler and Littler often had Tiller troupes in the same town without conflict said a great deal for the professional attitude of the producers concerned .
24 There is a long running case before the House of Lords concerning the River Derwent at present about whether rights of way can be established on waterways in the same way as on land .
25 Here it is important to see that the traditional category of plural is not symmetrically applied to first Person in the way it is to third : we does not mean plural speakers in the same way that they means more than one third person entity ( Lyons , 1968 : 277 ) .
26 Sounds like a lot until you 're told that Peavey produces fifty thousand units in the same period .
27 Sounds like a lot until you 're told that Peavey produces fifty thousand units in the same period .
28 The Borough arms in its now familiar garter , appeared on the cars in the same year .
29 If you want the same philosophy , stay in Britain and do your shopping for both cars in the same place , in Blackpool .
30 Later Treat , who followed V as in Victim with other books in the same vein , was to say , " I did n't know I was writing police procedurals until somebody invented the term and said that was the kind of thing I was writing . "
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