Example sentences of "[noun pl] and out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Goes in at one of his ears and out at the other .
2 The gang rivalries of the street were kept within bounds and out of the world of adult entertainment .
3 Senna lost his front left wheel in the crash and both cars bounced over the kerbs and out of the race .
4 A fast trip through central London whisked them past the main tourist attractions and out to the suburbs to the International Training College where they were to stay .
5 With a muttered curse Fen was on his feet and out of the cabin .
6 It is unhelpful if Ministers or others speaking on the right hon. Gentleman 's behalf suggest that internment will not be used or that it is not a viable and justifiable means of dealing with those whose training and speciality is keeping themselves out of the courts and out of the hands of those on whom we depend to impose justice for the deaths that have occurred in Northern Ireland .
7 Through the quarry and the conifer woods and out into the main road where the yellow lights make you look like something in a Hammer horror .
8 Wishing the bride good luck , we pushed our way through the milling crowds of guests and out under the entrance arch of the haveli .
9 Crowds of men were standing on the river-bank , pushing and jostling , craning their necks and shifting position , trying to get a view through the mass of bodies and out across the water .
10 Even in the Regal Arms they were liable to think it unusual if anybody carried a body or a badly wounded man down the stairs and out through the front door .
11 Five minutes later , without giving herself time to think , be disappointed that she probably would n't see him again after today , she ran lightly down the stairs and out through the front door .
12 He hunched his shoulders and stamped his way defiantly down the rest of the stairs and out into the cobbled street .
13 As Nancy said these words , she left the room and ran down the stairs and out into the street once more .
14 The clerk , however , had slipped quickly down the stairs and out into the courtyard where Ranulf and Maltote were waiting .
15 With her mind reeling , Merrill walked ahead of him down the stairs and out into the windy street .
16 But , turning obediently , she led the way down the stairs and out into the bright heat of the day .
17 I let myself into our corridor , soundlessly , and crept down the back stairs and out of the back door without hearing or seeing any member of the Home staff .
18 I went down the stairs and out to the terrace .
19 ‘ They 'll come down the servants ’ stairs and out at the back door .
20 Maggie grabs her bag from the wire cage under her seat , throws on her coat and is down the stairs and out in the street before any of the others .
21 She stood on the landing , watching him as he went down the stairs and out by the side door .
22 Willie longed to touch it but it was put under the counter and he quickly followed Tom back through the dark tunnel of materials and out into the daylight .
23 Thread cord up through rings and corresponding screw-eyes and out to the operational side .
24 During the week supplicants , bent , bowed , ill or in pain , fell in line down the path between the narrow rosebeds and out into the street , in search of a miracle cure .
25 The result on Saturday leaves Ards , together with Newry , with no points from two games and out of the competition .
26 Ramlal strode past the chaprassi and out onto the streets .
27 ‘ Sometimes I wonder how he passed his 0-levels , ’ Daddy said as we crawled over the cobbles and out of the village .
28 The student looked begrudgingly up from the instruments and out toward the wingtips .
29 Try to visualize your breath as you exhale moving up from the diaphragm , through the lungs and out of the mouth .
30 I wandered back down the stairs , past the washing draped over the bannisters and out onto the broken glass of the yard .
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