Example sentences of "[noun pl] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Building on the example of many Labour councils which have developed imaginative arts initiatives , we will make the arts a statutory responsibility for local authorities .
2 The cup triumph will go a long way to easing the memory of their loss to Waringstown in the final of the Touche Ross Senior Cup last month and caps a solid season for the Comber side .
3 The ultimate accolade caps a dramatic rise for Platt who was rejected by Manchester United before establishing himself in the game with Crewe , then joining Taylor at Aston Villa and then going onto Juventus via Bari .
4 Offering drinkers a wide range of regional beers : one of many Campaign beer festivals
5 In later centuries the rate of clearance may have slowed , and in the 17th and 18th centuries a great deal of replanting was carried out in the formation of the large parklands .
6 In the late tenth and eleventh centuries a marked revival of agriculture and country life in Lombardy had ushered in the urban renaissance in its heartland ; for it was to be the Lombard cities above all which lured the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Italy in the 1150s and 1160s , and whose almost innumerable walls baffled his armies in the long war of the Lombard League .
7 Why not an American-Palestinian version of the 1917 Balfour declaration , in which Britain promised the world 's Jews a national home in Palestine ?
8 So why not give your legs a golden glow with a little fake tan ?
9 The two tier stand has been specially designed to give fans a clear view of the pitch .
10 But the chances are , too , that if at the beginning you saw yourself as writing a crime novel and no more , then you will have spoilt the novel you eventually turned out to have produced , as well as causing in a good many of your readers a subtle feeling of disappointment .
11 Without indulging in passages of inactive description , he extended to his readers a panoramic view of the world , making good use of the duties performed by the navy in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars to keep up the colour and excitement of adventure .
12 His main theme was the increasing power of Rome in the Mediterranean and this , as Momigliano points out , Provided him with a new historical perspective : ‘ Just because Fortune made almost all the affairs of the world incline in one direction , it is the historian 's task to put before his readers a compendious view of the ways in which Fortune accomplished her purposes . ’
13 I believe that continuing to hear the language of books as well as to see it gives developing readers a valuable resource in this domain .
14 I had failed miserably to give my readers a true picture of the visual delights awaiting those who followed in my footsteps .
15 Whatever novelists may believe about the universe , they do not demand of their readers a formal belief in God or the Devil , or in the forces of history , and the tolerances they expect are wide .
16 The distant fading signals a run-down age of degenerate belief .
17 War-time restriction on milk-chocolate seemed to have given confectionery manufacturers a fanatical devotion to the stuff .
18 Most items produced in Europe paid practically no English duty if they were to be re-exported to the colonies , but a few , including iron and steel , were taxed at a rate which made continental products very expensive and thus gave English manufacturers a clear field in the colonial market .
19 In large organizations a personal visit to meetings not directly under your control may be impractical .
20 The ‘ Suspender ’ gives floaters a new lease of life .
21 Under Ordinance 12 of 1840 forest land was declared the property of the Crown , and in some districts a large proportion of it was sold for plantation development .
22 In these industrial districts a high proportion of families earned a substantial part of their living from metal crafts or mining or the manufacture of cloth .
23 One of the most important rules of interviewing is to give candidates a clear understanding of what the job entails .
24 They were speedily , if only temporarily , relieved of their worries when a head appeared amidst the gently rolling waves a short distance from the beach , which soon resolved into the — quite pleasing — shape of a woman struggling exhaustedly out of the sea and up the beach beside the jetty .
25 Jane found animals a great prop to sanity .
26 The elongated nose , however , gave these animals a considerable advantage over their competitors .
27 Give your eyes a rosy touch with a rose-tinted eyeshadow on the browbone , to meet a subtle grey-brown in the socket .
28 ‘ It was a first-past-the-post system and I can personally vouch for the result because I saw with my own eyes a clear majority for Prime Suspect . ’
29 ‘ It was a first-past-the-post system and I can personally vouch for the result because I saw with my own eyes a clear majority for Prime Suspect . ’
30 ‘ Humility and humour ’ were essential requirements , and Stirling declared that ‘ the S.A.S. brooks no sense of class … the idea of a crack regiment is one officered by aristocracy … in the S.A.S. we share with the Brigade of Guards a deep respect for quality , but we have an entirely different outlook .
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