Example sentences of "[noun pl] a [adj] [noun sg] have " in BNC.

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1 For nearly two centuries a political framework had existed which had made it increasingly easy to tap Europe 's resources and savings .
2 At that word she raised her head and looked at him again , and long , and behind the clear disillusionment of her eyes a burning darkness had gathered and hung , glowing from deep within her .
3 In other words a new policy had emerged to meet the crisis .
4 When asked by an interviewer if he was pleased with the performance of the British plants , the President had replied that although past performance had been bad by traditional British standards , he was now happy to say that in recent months a marked improvement had taken place .
5 In spite of the fact that landscape evaluation techniques only date from the mid-1960s a voluminous literature has evolved .
6 In the botanical gardens a huge tree had fallen and crushed a bus .
7 With educational broadcasts a fixed format has the advantage that teachers and students come to know what to expect .
8 In preceding weeks a seven-member committee had been formed to prepare for the privatization of 76 state companies , in which foreign investors would be able to acquire minority holdings .
9 As the result of excavations a certain amount has been discovered about life in the pre-historic era , and much has been published .
10 As the result of excavations a certain amount has been discovered about life in the pre-historic era , and much has been published .
11 For several years a strong link has been reported between food sensitivity and overpopulation with a yeast , Candida albicans .
12 In the last few years a powerful controversy has arisen over whether the dinosaurs as a whole were cold-blooded , like all living reptiles ( and there is no doubt that dinosaurs were reptiles ) , or warm-blooded , resembling mammals in this respect .
13 In recent years a critical consensus has gradually been forming as to the nature of postmodernism .
14 The cattle were either ‘ walked ’ down to the marshes direct from market or were brought to the nearest point by train : today they are transported by motor-lorries , and in recent years a rough road has been built right across the marshes to enable lorries to have direct access .
15 We also have to provide support for the A N C for thirty years a banned organization having to start from scratch in a country where the majority is supported but having no party officers or structures in place because if we suspend support to them or reduce it it will be like having no support of them all this time and just when the bird is about to fly you clip its wings .
16 Over the years a niggling rivalry has been much in evidence between the two clubs , although Whaddon have progressed to a much higher standard of football .
17 To further the development of new weapons a special school has been established in Altdorf known as the Imperial School of Engineers .
18 For ethical reasons a new tube had to be inserted when the original tube extruded , fluid recurred in the operated ear , and the unoperated ear still contained fluid and showed subjective and audiometric loss of hearing .
19 As with other partnership programmes a small team has been assembled to oversee the Teacher Placement Service in Mid Glamorgan .
20 Neighbours who were unwary enough to let the Misses Lovelock look after the chickens in their absence rarely found any eggs awaiting them on their return , and in some cases a plump chicken had died .
21 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
22 For those who care about such things a little bleeper has just come onto the market to enable you to check that you are following the two-second rule that the police recommend .
23 Despite these problems a new force has surfaced in the Fortran arena .
24 On one of the three pages a nude Amaranth had been photographed playing croquet .
25 Layton put it somewhat differently when he added that ‘ the two great qualities a young writer has are his arrogance and inexperience , ’ and on another occasion he picked out the twin characteristics of ‘ precocity and independence . ’
26 ‘ It is essential that all decisions are made with the child 's best interests at heart and agencies must perform a careful balancing act , weighing up the known disadvantages of a smoking environment with the positive qualities a particular family has to offer , ’ said Marion Miles , chairwoman of BAAF 's medical group .
27 After five months of arguments a special committee has ruled that the bet was n't valid .
28 We may not be very interested in tracing the history of collisions a given atom has with other atoms , as one atom is very much like another .
29 To add a bit of spice to the proceedings a sketchy transition had been tacked on one end of the ramp and that was the main focus of attention , especially in the grown-ups group .
30 The Chief Constable for the West Midlands , Geoffrey Dear , took this argument further by pointing out that the day before the riots a successful carnival had taken place , with the support of local community leaders .
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