Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 The breeze rattled Eochaid 's springing black hair over his ears and pulled at the ends of his lashes .
2 I sat with my head between my legs and looked at the dirt-encrusted toenails of the silent Yugoslavian on my left until-'Jennings ' was called from the next room .
3 ‘ Just a case of first-night nerves , ’ I mutter , unlocking my legs and grasping at the steaming mug.Ruthie Henshall opens tonight in Crazy For You at the Prince Edward Theatre , London .
4 I saw women dealing with having kids and working at the same time and the kids were happy because of the closeness with their mother .
5 He opened his eyes and glanced at the clock beside his bed .
6 Frankie narrowed his eyes and squinted at the bloody object lying between her powerful front paws .
7 Ronni opened her eyes and stared at the moon , feeling her poor heart quiver inside her .
8 He narrowed his eyes and stared at the distant wall of the Tower .
9 Nell raised her eyes and looked at the rest of the body ; and caught her breath .
10 She shut her eyes and tugged at the rope , sending the boat soaring high up over the scruffy , stinking little fair and the bare-headed people and the wide , comfortable , pleasure-loving river .
11 Ruth lowered her eyes and clutched at the banister of the stairs .
12 Ronni looked into his eyes and smiled at the compliment , inwardly shuddering as he took her in his arms and proceeded to lead her in time to the music .
13 Its many alterations and additions reflect in stone and brick , the looms and busts at the woollen industry .
14 These are connected vertically to the idol along the spinal column , over the chakras and end at the head .
15 He went and got his overcoat and put it on over his pyjamas and sat at the table smoking a cigarette .
16 The old English folksong demonstrates that they could often be sinister in their intent , waylaying passers-by and snatching at the wind with skinny , white hands :
17 Zak raised his eyes vaguely in my direction but it would have been tactless to disrupt the thoughts behind them , so I pressed on forward , traversing the dayniter and the sleeping cars and arriving at the forward dome car .
18 He put a supporting arm round Farquhar 's shoulders and grinned at the men rowing only hard enough to hold the ship steady .
19 The row about Catholicism got her out of the house and carried her through two euphoric days , during which she thought about the Trinity , existed on lollipops and stared at the Celebration of the Mass from the back of Westminster Cathedral .
20 She rocked back on her heels and clutched at the bureau for support .
21 I hold my shivering knees and stare at the shadows on the walls .
22 Donna licked her tongue across her dry lips and stopped at the bottom of the stairs .
23 Wycliffe walked to work with a salty taste on his lips and arrived at the Incident Room as the little printer was opening up .
24 Instead he raised his talons and struck at the wire mesh in his own turn , which only provoked the other eagle to do the same again , the sounds of both of them increased by the flapping of their great wings and the crashing of their beaks on the cage walls as they vainly tried to get at each other .
25 He blew out his fat , purpled cheeks , dug his hands deep in his breeches pockets and looked at the sky with a martyred air .
26 She tucked her hands under her armpits and stared at the ground .
27 Now , we 've used this technique in invasive bladder cancer , and we 've quantified the micro-vascularity in a group of invasive cancers and looked at the prognosis and metastasis .
28 Visit the famous Keukenhof Gardens and marvel at the thousands of flowers displayed with perfect artistry in the greenhouses and beautiful landscaped gardens spread across the 65 acre estate .
29 It snatched at the windows in the nearby houses and set them rattling in their frames ; it whooshed over the slates and plucked at the loose ones , prising them away and sending them spinning to the ground ; it scurried down through the garden gates , hoisted up handfuls of dead leaves and paper and kicked them scurrying down the pavement .
30 She walked a few feet and stabbed at the earth with the fork .
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